The Blog for the Web and Computer Users


This blog is the online record of my observations and experiences about using the computer and about web surfing. Click on Older Posts at the bottom to view more pages. Click on the 'Added features' placed below the posts and get entertained and enlightened! You can get this blog quickly by adding it to Bookmarks or Favorites tabs. [Visit also my other blogs: Natural Scientific & Medical Wonders and Kindling Thoughts].

Monday, December 24, 2012

Choice: Password Generator Or its Inventer!

According to 'Norton Cybercrime Report 2012', about 80 Internet users in India are subjected to cybercrime every minute. All global cybercrimes are said to be due to not changing passwords frequently and not using strong complex passswords.

 It is advised to change passwords twice a week. But website users find it difficult to create such complex and strong passwords each time; even if they create, they tend to forget them. Experts suggest two options to solve this problem. One of it is to send all the using passwords to one's own email inbox - for retrieving them later, if they forget them. The other one is that seeking the help of password generators such as Online Password Generator and Password Generator. There are drawbacks in these options too! In the first one, the Internet user has to use a strong password for his email account and memorize it; if he forgets it or it is also hacked every using website shall be lost. In the second, the generated passwords are produced after all only online; they can be even monitored and used by hackers in hacking the websites' accounts. So, what is the method still remaining as reliable and foolproof? Nothing! It may be your own new method that you are going to invent and use - like generating passwords in your own method and remembering those passwords in your own method! Share your methods with us :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

VeRO programme of eBay

EBay now protects the rights of Sellers in it. It has created 'Verified Rights Owner' programme (VeRO). If the owner of a property finds 'Selling lists' in eBay contain his property, infringing his intellectual property rights (such as trademark and copyright), he can easily report about it in this programme, VeRO. EBay guides these owners in reporting such infringements; read about it --> here. It also advises its Sellers to avoid creating 'Selling lists' that may infringe on intellectual property rights of other Sellers - by its guidelines. It also advises to read the VeRO programme participants' policies on protecting their rights, and not to use another Seller's picture or description. It is a good move in the interest of eBay itself also, to ensure that infringing items are removed from its site! Read down here its communication about VeRO:

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gmail-SMS to all the Contacts!

News: Google has added new SMSing facility to its Gmail account holders living in the most of the world countries. The Contacts in their accounts can be SMSed using their phone numbers.
What I did? I tried all my might to add the phone numbers of my three mail contacts and sent SMSes to them and tested as per this --> Gmail helping procedure. But two of them except one were not sent SMS with the following display in the Chat Box:

Could this be the reason? - Only part of the cellular phone operators of India are supported by this SMSing facility as per this --> news.
But note here that there was no response from the Contact to whom my SMS message was sent, and reported back as sent by Gmail. I called this Contact by voice call and confirmed that he didn't receive the sent SMS! Could all this be the Google's experimenting on Gmail users? Or could you explain this seemingly useless feature? Share your experience in this with us.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sifymail upgrades by Google Apps!

As I opened my Sifymail account, I was surprised to see a webpage titled as Google accounts welcoming to my new account! It contained Google Terms of Service. Why does Google enters into another email provider's page? Google started to provide its Google Apps on 'Software as a Service' (SaaS) mode in 2006. Sify Technologies Ltd. that ranks in the top of 30 Indian websites as per Alexa, started to use Google Apps' SaaS software delivery in 2008 under an agreement with Google Inc. Thus Sifymail was powered by Google Apps platform. It offers its services under its own brand name, leaving all the hard work of management to Google! Now, why there has been the need for accepting the Terms of Service here, I wondered. The reason is that the Google is now offering many 'Additional Services' in using the Sifymail account.

After clicking on the 'Accept' button, my Inbox opened, greeting with a mail from Sify announcing its upgrading with additional services of Google such as Bloggers, Google Groups, Google Maps, Google+ and others!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Google Document is now Google Drive!

The other day when I opened my Google Document, an option was presented before me to retain the Google Docs or to shift to the new Google Drive. I opted to the Google Drive. Many features have been driven away and the Google Docs has been made simpler now into Google Drive.

Google Drive can be accessed from any device. From mobile, access to it is made possible by a mobile apps. You can now work with more file types. The access to it is also faster. 
Read more here about it --> Google Drive!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Blogger's new blogging interface!

Blogger has recently changed its blogging interface suddenly. While retaining most of its old interface features, but in a modern format, it has added new features too - like post selection by page numbers in drop down list, view count and comment count for each post, etc. The preference of retaining the old interface is gone; all are commonly presented with only the new Post Editor interface for blog posting. Uploading of images to the Post Editor has been made easier now. Read more about this here --> Moving to the New Blogger Interface. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Entrecard lost from the Web World

Then, I decided to get an Entrecard for my blogs after seeing it to increase the visitors' traffic to the blog of another Blogger. It was also said to be a social network 2.0. I got it and used it; found it to be useful. In the last week of September this year, 2012, I was stunned to see a triangle with an exclamation displayed inside it in the place of my Entrecard widget. The Entrecard had stopped its service without any prior intimation about it. I examined the widget html. It showed a word as '...recard'. In the word, 'entrecard' 'ent' was missing! Yes, Entrecard has quit the Web World.

Entrecard, a source for visiting many blogs, is now missing. Read here a report about this missing Entrecard that has been presented by one of its most popular blog-by-ranking --> Seek No More - Earn While Snoring!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Spamming in Yahoo Mail!

Spam mails are commonly received in inbox of Yahoo Mail account holders. They are sent as if they are from your friends or relatives. Not only one such mail is received. Mails follow one after the other at periodic intervals. They are of the same type. There will be 'No Subject'; it will contain many email addresses in its 'To' box; among them one will be that of yours. The content of the mail shall contain only an URL, and it shall prompt you to click on it. These URLs end with cqiq=cqiq or megs=megs. Beware of these spam mails: don't click in them; but delete them all without opening. They are not from your friends or relatives; but are from fraudsters.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

WhozOnTop discontinues free tracking

While I was starting to make a post for this blog a display constantly appeared again and again on my every hit on the keyboard preventing me to do anything but to do what it displayed! I wondered whether it could be a virus that has crept into my blogging site! I found that it also contained the name of a web directory, WhozOnTop; my blog was having its widget. I didn't do anything but checked my e-mail inbox; it told me everything.

A mail from '' had sent 'Change of Tracking Service Notification' that informed about discontinuing of its free tracking service and asked to remove its tracking code from the blog! On clicking on the tab, 'Upgrade To Invisible Service' found on the mail, I got the following webpage with details of money to upgrade:

I decided to remove the code and clicked on the tab, 'End Tracking And Remove Tracking Code'. I was given all the instructions that before-said 'viral' display had shown!

I removed the widget from the blog and was then felt freed, as I was then able to continue my blogging:). You could see here how the free service was removed compulsorily with all such tactics.
Now I could see that the old URL of
WhozOnTop has now changed to With the change in policy URL also changes!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Picture deletion via Picasa!

Recently, I opened my Picasa Web Albums account and found much space of it occupied by unwanted pictures. I began to delete them one by one to save the storage mbs. Suddenly it struck to me that those pictures are those I used in my blog posts; I opened my blog to see anything happened in it. Yes, I found black squares in the place of pictures: there was picture deletion in all the posts that had the pictures that I deleted in Picasa :( Luckily I had preserved some of those pictures in my computer that I used and saved my blog posts :).

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Size matters in HTwins!

Do you want to travel along a museum that displays all the objects from the size of the smallest to those of the largest in this Universe? I had such an experience with one website. In its homepage you shall have to click on the 'Start' button. You first see the objects of sizes from Giant Earhworm, Dodo, Rafflesia flower, Beach ball and Human; at the centre a small circle showing the next smaller sized objects including a flying Humming bird is seen.

Then you can move the scroll to the right to view the objects with increasing sizes - up to the 'Estimated size of Universe' (10 to the power of 27.0)! Or move it to the left to view the objects with decreasing sizes - down to 'Quantum Foam' or 'String' through 'Neutrino' (10 to the power of -35.0)! Al these are displayed with a background music. Try this exciting website here -> HTWINS.NET - The Scale of the Universe 2

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Here read about PayPal HERE!

PayPal has released a tiny credit card reader for smart phones. It is the PayPal Here. With it and its applications, mobile payments can be done. It is triangular in shape with a fold down wing and plugs into phone. After signing in PayPal is done, it encrypts credit card data and transmits it into the phone for effecting online payments. It can track your past payments and issue invoices too. It is a versatile competitor for the other one, the 'Square'!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

View Best Ads to learn and earn!

Here is a website that combines all these in one - having fun, learning and earning: View Best Ads. After signing up in it, one can view modern ads, read Tech news and World round-up news daily, play memory game, quiz, enter hourly contests or read jokes! But for having more earnings you shall have to click all the ads, read news etc. (this website is exclusively for Indians only, who have mobile phones with them). Let us give a try --> here.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Won in Google/Yahoo lottery ... yahooo!

I encountered a phising email in my inbox: it was a different one though it offered a prize money in common. The lottery company is Google/ Yahoo Incorporation with both the search engine giants as partners! The prize money is 500,000 Pounds!

All people who are new to internet mails shall send their personal details as demanded, believing that the mail has been sent by the rich and popular internet giants. I just wanted all of you to be alert and warn others about this 'Goohay' Prize!
Read here about a similar mail:
Google Prize with Laptop by Google/Rediffmail Lottery!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Filter mails with Boxbe

I find the total number of emails in my mail inbox go on increasing day by day. If I sit down to screen them all to retain/ delete, it would take much time. So, I let them to accumulate. Recently, I came across a solution for this: I sent a mail content to many persons. One of them was returned back with a request to intimate the receiver for permitting my mail! Yes, that mail was from a website that the receiver uses to filter all those mails he receives. This website is Boxbe. It eliminates mail overload and prioritize mails in the inbox. New mails are put in the Waiting List; then the sender shall receive a mail from this site to verify whether it is his own mail or not, and to send a request to the receiver for permitting the mail. When the receiver approves, that mail and all the future mails then enter his inbox. Thus the site prevents spam mails too. But this filtering is available for Yahoo mail, GMail, AOL mail and all Google applications only. It is a free service at present. Know more about Boxbe --> here!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Laptop in the PAST - by Dell!

Imagine how the presence of a laptop in the past will influence the people of the past. Here you can click and find some of such imaginations (from the present day people) - from Dell blog: Humans and Laptops!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

QR Code reveals brand's website!

Whenever I go to supermarkets I find a hand held device being used for billing the purchased items by reading the bar codes present on them. Recently, I received a parcel by post that had a black square placed on its package. On its side, it was printed: ' ... point your phone's QR code reader on this marker.' What is this QR Code? And what for it is used? It is the Quick Response Code, and it is of matrix bar code type. It has large data storage capacity and faster readability than the usual bar code (UPC). It is produced by QR code generator and is readable by an image sensor (QR code reader). This QR code reveals the website of the brand of the item. So, it it is used as an advertising strategy to boost the sales of the company's products. As its code reader applications are commonly available in all the consumers' smart phones, it has become more consumer friendly.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Commercialized website!

When a website is started for the first time, it is solicited by it to use its services in the blogs. Later when it is well established and became famous it doesn't need your usage and support anymore: it needs only revenue as it has now become commercialized. This is the matter experienced by my blogs with Wowzio: all went well with its Live Activity widgets on my blogs until one day recently, when my blogs were found without these visitors' activity widgets. They have been removed without any prior intimation, forgetting the past.
Note also this present scenario with Wowzio: for a new blog's use, a request was sent by email to it; but permission was not given and there was no response at all.
Commercialization has become the targeted plan now for all the websites. Thus it is also a factor for losing interest in blogging. Service to blogging is tapering.

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