The Blog for the Web and Computer Users


This blog is the online record of my observations and experiences about using the computer and about web surfing. Click on Older Posts at the bottom to view more pages. Click on the 'Added features' placed below the posts and get entertained and enlightened! You can get this blog quickly by adding it to Bookmarks or Favorites tabs. [Visit also my other blogs: Natural Scientific & Medical Wonders and Kindling Thoughts].

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Still More Easier and Quicker Way to Browse the Web

Web browsing can be done still more easier. In continuation to the article posted on 24th of this month this additional tips shall help you. Simply open the document page in which you had typed the URLs and hyperlinked them for easier web browsing, and then proceed as follows:

Microsoft Office Word 2007 Document page --> [click Office Button (on the left upper corner) -> Office Button box -> Word Options button (in the lower bar)]--> [Word OptionAdvanced (of the left side list)] --> Advanced option for working with Word box --> Editing Options --> Use CTRL + Click to follow hyperlink --> uncheck this option (click in the ticked check box) --> click OK button in the lower bar]. That’s all. Now you can simply point on the URLs and click. You shall get the page of the website instantly. With this you need not now press the Ctrl key at all. That makes it still more easier to browse the web!

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Easier and Quicker Way to Browse the Web

In browsing the internet for too many websites at a single sitting shall be a tedious one: you shall have to type the URL of the website in the Address bar and hit Enter key each time. To make it easier you can type all the desired URLs in a Word document off line leisurely. After typing each URL correctly hit Enter key or press and release the Space bar. A hyperlink will have been now created for each one: each URL will be underlined and colored bluish. And save the document under a name. You can use this document at anytime and for any number of times to browse the net. With the internet connected, you can now click on each hyperlinked URL one by one with the Ctrl key pressed down, and your website’s home page will be displayed by the browser. Each time you click and press the Ctrl key only. That’s all. It is easier!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Safeguarding Your Body while doing computer work

  1. Wear loose pants and avoid wearing tight pants at workplace.

  2. Move now and then rising out from the seat and walk for a few minutes.

  3. Breathe easily and deeply – without holding the breath at any level, for about two minutes or so while being at work before computer.

  4. Drink enough water before attending to any computer work, especially when you are in an A/C room or in a hot room at Summer.

  5. For every half an hour you can do side wise rotating body exercises, side wise bending exercises and also sit-ups.

  6. If you feel hot at sitting on the chair, rise out and change the chair to a good ventilated one.

  7. Take a good quantity of night sleep. If this is not possible take a short nap at afternoon the next day or go to bed earlier at night the next day. Without having good sleep do not sit before computer for work.

  8. Always have good light in the room where you do your computer work.

  9. After rising out from bed, do not go straight away to do the computer work. Wait for the body to adjust to the waken up state for a few minutes and also wait till enough daylight comes inside the room, in case you rose at early morning.

  10. Never work in darkness. At night have artificial lights during the work.

  11. Increase the brightness as daylight increases from the morning. Adjust the contrast down as the daylight decreases towards the evening. Have balanced same levels of both contrast and brightness at the optimal position at mornings and evenings.

  12. Doing the following eye exercise will surely relax your eyes and prevent it from becoming sore: ‘seeing the tip of the finger and then shifting the eyes to an object in a far off place, and seeing the object fixedly for about fifteen seconds and then returning to the finger tip. This is to be repeated for four to five times. This exercise can be done after each session of computer work.

13. While attending to the computer work you should take away your eyes from the computer screen and blink for about twenty times. If this is done every half an hour, it will prevent your eyes becoming dry.

14. At the end of your each computer work you can do the following facial exercises to increase the blood circulation: the act of lifting up the eyebrows, closing the eyes and screwing up them, ballooning the cheeks, the act of showing the teeth, the acts of opening down and closing the jaws, and moving the lower jaw to both sides.

Following these guidelines shall safeguard your body from illnesses, that may be acquired while doing computer work.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Booting Repetitions Removal

After pushing in the switch to start, my computer went on repeating the process of booting again and again with the displays on the screen like this: [ Intel Bios setting --> Microsoft Windows XP --> welcome --> Desktop --> Intel Bios setting --> Microsoft Windows XP --> welcome --> Desktop --> ------ (repeated) ---]. To interrupt this repetitions I had to be ready with mouse-pointer. When the Desktop appeared I had to click the Start button and to click then the Turn Off button quickly. After this the system will not go for shutting down; the Desktop with icons will stay on, breaking the cycle of repetitions; but there appeared a Microsoft Windows box saying “The system has recovered from a serious error – Please tell Microsoft about this problem” and having Send Error Report and Don’t Send buttons. If I clicked the Don’t Send button the box disappeared. Now I was able to get connection to the internet and browse normally. But each time I started the computer, the problem of ‘repetitions’ persisted. If I clicked the Send Error Report button, I got reports (after getting connected to the internet) that demanded to do many time consuming processes. But in an easy way and in a shorter period of time I restored my computer to normalcy! It is thus: I scanned the computer registry off line with Uniblue Registry booster. It pinpointed about 39 errors and these errors were then fixed (removed)! Now I am able to start the computer as usual without any repetitions or else, and I go to browse the net straightly without any deviation or delay.

Uniblue Registry Booster is available at:

Monday, April 14, 2008

A Tedious and Devious Task to Use the Computer

Recently my computer did not display anything on its desktop after switching on it. The desktop icons disappeared as soon as they appeared. I could not turn off it also as there was no icon for it on the screen. In any way I had to use the computer for browsing the internet. I tried the following way to achieve it: Hit Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys at the same time --> [Windows Task Manager box -> Applications button -> New Task button] --> [Create New Task box -> Browse button] --> [Browse box -> Folder list -> Network provider folder/file -> Open button] --> [Create New Task box -> OK button] --> [Network provider box -> Connect button]. After this all the above said procedure had to be repeated again from the New Task button to get the internet browser. Now I could browse the internet. After browsing I did the following to shut down the computer: [Windows Task Manager box -> End Task button -> Shut Down button].

These devious directions may be used when important computer work has to be carried out. To put an end to this tedious procedure, and to start using the computer in the normal way, only the backup of files, formatting the hard disk and reinstalling the operating system will help.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Necessity of this Blog, Web & Computer Users

Necessity for starting this blog rose out as I felt that with blogs of such type we could make pleasanter, and probably extend, our longevity – the years of existence! Yes, it could save our valuable time that we waste in correcting, deleting, redoing,, searching or doing everything on the Computer to get the job done. And that we waste in searching in the Web for websites and for information in the search engine results, and in finding out the required tab, link etc. on the web page, or that in referring to the Help Center content. I am sharing my experience here in this blog that could save all its readers’ time. So, I invite all to visit this blog frequently. I also suggest to all the readers to share their experiences with me by email. Or they can start their own such blogs – so that I could save my time also!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The New Blog for the Web & Computer Users

I have started today this blog for sharing my experience of using the Web and Computer with all those who are interested in it. I also invite all to share their experience with me.

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"I am interested in the wonders of this Universe."


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