The Blog for the Web and Computer Users


This blog is the online record of my observations and experiences about using the computer and about web surfing. Click on Older Posts at the bottom to view more pages. Click on the 'Added features' placed below the posts and get entertained and enlightened! You can get this blog quickly by adding it to Bookmarks or Favorites tabs. [Visit also my other blogs: Natural Scientific & Medical Wonders and Kindling Thoughts].

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Work Tools in Microsoft Programmes

There are multiple utility tools in Microsoft Programmes for doing one and the same action. You only have to choose a suitable and convenient tool out of them. An example for it:

Microsoft Office Picture Manager used for editing pictures has a Picture menu tab. This tab has many options in it. If a picture needs changes in its brightness, Brightness and Contrast option is chosen, and in it either the Slider button is used for it, or the numerals in the Spin Box (found next to the Slider) are decreased or increased through clicking on the Spin Control arrow buttons.

Brightness and Contrast (on the ‘Picture’ tab) Brightness and Contrast Settings Brightness Sliding button or the Spin Control arrow buttons

Apart from these, an easier way to adjust the brightness is also there: click the mouse button once after placing the pointer before or next to the Slider button. Now you get the brightness of the picture altered quickly and easily by ten points!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Selective Deletion of Browsing History!

After you have finished the web surfing with Mozilla Firefox, you can delete all the browsed websites’ URLs by clicking the Clear Private Data option of Tools menu. But can you delete the browsed URLs for a particular period selectively? Yes, you can! Click on History tab --> Show All History --> Library. Scroll down or up in the window of the Library that shows all the browsed details line by line. Select the first URL shown (actually it is the lastly browsed websites’ URL in the selected portion for deletion). Simply hit down continuously at the Delete key of the keyboard one after the other till the last URL to be deleted; then close the window. Now the selective deletion work is done!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Variations in Blog with Internet Explorer!

Blogging and blog viewing differs with the browser, Internet Explorer:

  1. In viewing blogs one could see an area that appears to be painted with a brush – for two or three seconds as you scroll up the blog page in Internet Explorer.

  2. The images uploaded into the Blogger Post Editor for publishing get their size altered: thumbnail image becomes ‘Small sized’ (larger than that of the thumbnail size)!

  3. In the similar above said way the thumbnail images are uploaded to Google Document files also as ‘Small sized’ images only!

    If you have any such experiences with the Internet Explorer or any other browsers, you can share them here with me by clicking on the Comments.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Virus drives out Pen drive files!

The other day I was browsing the Internet at a browsing center that I did not visit frequently. Side by side I was using the computer for resizing the pictures (for blog postings), which I got from my Pen drive (USB Flash Drive) that I had inserted on to that computer. As I resized and saved the first picture with the help of Microsoft Picture Manager, an alert message was displayed as, ‘Contact Administrator,’ without saving it! I stopped all the work on the computer and quit. But later on, when I used the pen drive on another computer that I used to, I found all my files missing, and gone forever! When I saved a new Word document it was saved in another folder instead of saving in the usual (but now missing) folder. The problem was then found out to be in my pen drive – that has been now infected with computer virus transported from the previously used computer. By using Antivirus softwares most of the lost files were retrieved back. Now I heave a sigh of relief.

So, be cautious in using a computer that you are not used to and check its protected status before using it. Or, use only that computer that is well known to have protection against computer viruses.

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