The Blog for the Web and Computer Users


This blog is the online record of my observations and experiences about using the computer and about web surfing. Click on Older Posts at the bottom to view more pages. Click on the 'Added features' placed below the posts and get entertained and enlightened! You can get this blog quickly by adding it to Bookmarks or Favorites tabs. [Visit also my other blogs: Natural Scientific & Medical Wonders and Kindling Thoughts].

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hyperlinking Colored Text!

Can a hyper-linked text in a Google document (that was got by uploading a MS Office Word 2007 document from computer - prepared on Web Layout) be restored with its original color? No, it cannot be restored:
An already colored text in this type of Google document, when hyper-linked, turns into deep blue in color indicating that it has been hyper-linked. After this you will not be able to either restore to it its original color (by selecting it first and next its original color from the Font color tab) or give it another color!

The only way to color back the text is: Publish the document to the Blogger’s blog page first go to the Edit Post delete the hyper-linked text and retype it select and color it with its original color then hyperlink it by using the Link box remove the selection from the text. Now the hyper-linked text will be retaining its color. In other words and in short: it is better to do coloring and the subsequent hyper-linking of the texts in the Post Editor rather than in Google document!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Google Video Chat now!

Google has started its Video Chat facility now! From Gmail inbox itself one can choose and start either Video chat or the Word Chat. Google assures you high quality audio and video in this new facility. (Google also retains its Google Talk as such, as a separate entity).To install this Google Video Chat you require browsers Firefox (2.0 and above) or Internet Explorer (6.0 and above) or Google Chrome or Safari (3.0 and above). Your PC needs Windows Vista or XP, or MAC OS X 10.4. Download the application from Google Video Chat website. Then have your PC plugged with a Web cam and an Audio system. Now open only your Gmail account in the web browser. Click on the Settings tab of Inbox Chat tab click on Verify your settings of the Voice and video chat heading. Check your set-ups and correct anything that hinders and click Save Changes. Then go back to the Inbox and click on the triangle of the Chat found below the Contacts in the side bar point on a contact's name in the list move to the Chat tab & click on it click Video & more in the chat window choose finally the Select Video Chat in the list found in it. You can now video-chat with your selected contact if he/she has already done all these you have done so far and is in his/her Gmail inbox ready!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Font Size alteration avoiding in Blog Posting!

Usually there will be font size variation in the Post Editor of Blogger after you publish your post through the Google Docs website. The font size in the published post is different from that you typed in Microsoft Word Document page and uploaded to the Google Docs website. To publish in the intended font size, you can open first the Google document file that contains the blog post and then select all the text contents and change them to the next higher font size to the intended size. Then reduce this size to the next lower size to the intended size, and then to the intended size finally. If you publish the post now, you shall see that there is no alteration or variation in the font size! (Even after this if you find still the alterations in the font size in the Post Editor, you can repeat the same procedure as you did in the Google document file, in the Post Editor itself and remove the alterations, if any, and have your intended font size published!).

Thursday, November 6, 2008

IP Address, ISP, Browser of Your Computer - Finding out these!

You can find your own IP address, ISP, Browser and other details such as the Plug-ins and MIME types that have been installed in your computer by simply entering into the website, Arul john’s Utilities . You will be greeted with the words: ‘Welcome to arul’!

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"I am interested in the wonders of this Universe."


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