The Blog for the Web and Computer Users


This blog is the online record of my observations and experiences about using the computer and about web surfing. Click on Older Posts at the bottom to view more pages. Click on the 'Added features' placed below the posts and get entertained and enlightened! You can get this blog quickly by adding it to Bookmarks or Favorites tabs. [Visit also my other blogs: Natural Scientific & Medical Wonders and Kindling Thoughts].

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Down-sizing with Picture Manager!

I found it very difficult to upload larger images to my space restricted Blogger blog posts: the images were being published with one third of it concealed! So, I began to find a way to down size such images, and succeeded in it by using an ingenious way (note the neat down-sized images in this post of my other blog):

Right click on the image to be uploaded and open it with Microsoft Office Picture Manager . Click on the Edit Pictures… tab of this Manager, click on the Resize found under the Change picture size (or click on the Standard bar Picture tab Resize). Check in the Custom width x height radio button that is present under Resize settings. Enter into the boxes the required width and height pixel numbers (as needed for the Blogger post editor or the Google Docs editor), and then click the OK button present under Size setting summary. The image will have been resized now! Click on the Save icon present on the Tool bar to save it, and close the Picture Manager. Now the image is ready for uploading into the Blogger post editor (or the Google Docs file) and getting published fitting snug in the blog page!
Wish you all a Happy New Year, 2009!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Signal Map - finds signal for Phones!

Interruptions or fading of signals in our conversation through the mobile cellular phones is a common problem everywhere. We cannot assess exactly ourselves the signal strength, which varies with the positions of phone from the relaying tower. However, now you can find out and compare the places of good and bad signals inside a city, with the help of a website, SignalMap! (At present only six countries have been included in this website’s Beta service):
After entering into this
website, just type in the text box your postal address or the postal code, then select in Choose Network box your phone net work service provider’s name present under your country’s name, and click on the Find Signal! button now. That’s all: you are now provided with the signal strength at your chosen place!
Note that this SignalMap can also be used as a tool to select a phone network service provider suitable for your best and effective cellular phone usage - in all of your different places of work or living!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gloves of G-Speak chase Mouse!

In the previous month there was news about a substitute for our computer mouse: it is a pair of gloves that is to be worn on the hands for operating a new computer system called G-Speak. With these gloves worn on we can move data on the computer screen with much freedom and ease unlike our mouse; an object on the screen can be transferred to another page by simply ‘holding’ it, or it can be zoomed in to larger sizes by ‘pulling’ it towards us!
Such a computer system using these special gloves has been developed by designers at Los Angeles.

View this G-Speak video clip:

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Copyscape - Revealing the Copies Copied!

If you want to know how many of visitors to your blog/website have appreciated your posts/contents by copying them, you can log on to Copyscape and type your URL in the text box provided and click on the Go button. Copyscape will show you the search results about the sites that have copied your posts/contents, or that have quoted them as posted by you! When each one of the results is clicked a page appears that shows all the copied contents highlighted in different colors!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Numion and Blogger - Help to load faster!

Everybody browsing the internet wishes the referred website or the blog to come into view quickly. You can make your website or the blog to load faster and please its viewer, and hence increase also the traffic to it. First measure its loading time. You can get the help of Numion for that! Simply paste your site’s URL in the box provided in this Numion and click on the Start StopWatch button and note the indicated loading time. If it takes too much time, you can get the Help of Blogger and proceed to bring it down!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hyperlinking Colored Text!

Can a hyper-linked text in a Google document (that was got by uploading a MS Office Word 2007 document from computer - prepared on Web Layout) be restored with its original color? No, it cannot be restored:
An already colored text in this type of Google document, when hyper-linked, turns into deep blue in color indicating that it has been hyper-linked. After this you will not be able to either restore to it its original color (by selecting it first and next its original color from the Font color tab) or give it another color!

The only way to color back the text is: Publish the document to the Blogger’s blog page first go to the Edit Post delete the hyper-linked text and retype it select and color it with its original color then hyperlink it by using the Link box remove the selection from the text. Now the hyper-linked text will be retaining its color. In other words and in short: it is better to do coloring and the subsequent hyper-linking of the texts in the Post Editor rather than in Google document!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Google Video Chat now!

Google has started its Video Chat facility now! From Gmail inbox itself one can choose and start either Video chat or the Word Chat. Google assures you high quality audio and video in this new facility. (Google also retains its Google Talk as such, as a separate entity).To install this Google Video Chat you require browsers Firefox (2.0 and above) or Internet Explorer (6.0 and above) or Google Chrome or Safari (3.0 and above). Your PC needs Windows Vista or XP, or MAC OS X 10.4. Download the application from Google Video Chat website. Then have your PC plugged with a Web cam and an Audio system. Now open only your Gmail account in the web browser. Click on the Settings tab of Inbox Chat tab click on Verify your settings of the Voice and video chat heading. Check your set-ups and correct anything that hinders and click Save Changes. Then go back to the Inbox and click on the triangle of the Chat found below the Contacts in the side bar point on a contact's name in the list move to the Chat tab & click on it click Video & more in the chat window choose finally the Select Video Chat in the list found in it. You can now video-chat with your selected contact if he/she has already done all these you have done so far and is in his/her Gmail inbox ready!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Font Size alteration avoiding in Blog Posting!

Usually there will be font size variation in the Post Editor of Blogger after you publish your post through the Google Docs website. The font size in the published post is different from that you typed in Microsoft Word Document page and uploaded to the Google Docs website. To publish in the intended font size, you can open first the Google document file that contains the blog post and then select all the text contents and change them to the next higher font size to the intended size. Then reduce this size to the next lower size to the intended size, and then to the intended size finally. If you publish the post now, you shall see that there is no alteration or variation in the font size! (Even after this if you find still the alterations in the font size in the Post Editor, you can repeat the same procedure as you did in the Google document file, in the Post Editor itself and remove the alterations, if any, and have your intended font size published!).

Thursday, November 6, 2008

IP Address, ISP, Browser of Your Computer - Finding out these!

You can find your own IP address, ISP, Browser and other details such as the Plug-ins and MIME types that have been installed in your computer by simply entering into the website, Arul john’s Utilities . You will be greeted with the words: ‘Welcome to arul’!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Exercises to prevent pain in Computer Work!

Computer aches (pains) resulting out of computer work can be avoided by practicing the following exercises as a routine, after each session of work:

  1. Flexing and extending fingers, wrists, forearms - at their joints, and rotating the arms at the shoulder joints - all these shall relieve the pain or spasm in the hands, arms and shoulders.

  2. Leg swinging in front and back, and its side lifting shall relieve the congestion pain of pooling of blood that results out of the continuous sitting in front of the computer; and these shall also increase the blood flow to the limbs and internal organs. A few sit-and-stands shall also give the same good effects.

  3. Eye exercises – moving eyes up and down, to the left and the right, diagonally, and rotating eyes clockwise and anti-clockwise, shifting eyes from a near object to a distant one and concentrating on it, blinking at intervals of computer work – these all will prevent or relieve the Sore Eye and other eye related conditions.

  4. Breathing exercises – simply inhaling and exhaling, with the eyes shut in sitting posture, shall rejuvenate you much.

  5. Adding to these, you shall have to take rest at frequent intervals during the computer work - walk around and chat with friends or colleagues to refresh your mind.

Read Related Contents in:
Safeguarding Your Body while doing Computer Work
Beckoning Pain through Computer Work

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Email Password Forgotten!

If you find that you have forgotten password of your email account, you need not worry if you had jotted down the details you gave during your registration in the email website or if you had preserved the Email server’s email sent to you at that time about those details. You can recover your password and use again the emailing facility by simply typing in those details, when the website prompts you for them. But do not do anything other than these in your own way. If you do so you may lose your emailing facility forever – even if you remember the forgotten password later it will be useless then! For example: (in email account) at any circumstance do not click on the ‘Password Reset’ button. If you click so, you will not be able to access or recover your forgotten password anymore as this will lock your mail account permanently.

Tips for remembering your password: Do not check in ‘Remember me on this computer’ check box at anytime. Each time you sign in your email account type the password got from your memory ……… and do not believe in the coded password (encrypted dots), and click on the Sign in button.

Monday, October 13, 2008

MS Word Preference in Blogging

Preparation of posts in MS Word is my preference. I used to type in Word document file page at leisure and save it; edit it whenever I like – even when there is no internet access! I can prepare in advance any number of posts and save them. Whenever I get leisure time for blogging, I upload the intended files containing blog posts to Google Documents website, from where I publish them after further editing and final touch with the advantageous additions that are available at Google Docs.

Sometimes the Google Docs declines uploading the files thus:

Sorry we do not currently support ‘.doc’ files.

At such times, I directly copy my blog post from MS Word document file and paste in the Post Editor of Blogger, and publish it. (Though I encountered some problems in this method I dealt with them later by finding ways to remove them:

Related posts with solutions for these problems:

Hindrance in Blog Posting with MS Word

An Easier Solution for Blogging with MS Word Document).

Monday, October 6, 2008

World wide Web Publishing the Blog Post!

I was away traveling to another state in India, thousands of kilometers away from my home state. Yet I was able to post easily the previous post (found below) within few minutes! That too not hindering with my travel. How it was done? Simply I used the website, Google Documents for that! Before my travel itself I prepared the blog post in a Google document file, saved and kept it ready. When time permitted I published the post through the Google Docs website itself! That is the wonder in this Web publishing: you can publish your blog post from anywhere in the world!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Avoiding the Mail Login Repetition!

You open your Email Inbox ( and read the mails and move on to browse other websites, after minimizing the page. Later on, you return back to that page after, say half an hour. Now, as you click on an email folder in the Inbox, it will not open up. But a page with the following announcement springs out:

Your session has expired; Please login again.

You could have avoided this and the repetition of logging again by simply clicking on the Refresh or the Reload button on the Browser!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Beckoning Pain through Computer Work!

The pain resulting out of computer usage is mainly dependent upon the posture we assume and the duration of our computer work. As posture is determined by the chair we sit on, it has to be of appropriate dimensions. Moreover the computer table platform on which our wrist rests should be on level with the arm of the chair – to avoid the strain on the forearm and offer relaxation.

Neck pain may arise out of our eye level to the monitor screen not being on the normal line of vision – being either above or below it. To avoid it you can adjust either the height of the chair or that of the computer table, and also the monitor axis at its pedestal, to a slighter extent.

The longer period of repetitive computer work shall usher in pain or spasm in the hands and shoulders. The pain will be distressing if you do the work continuously without break, and for a longer time.

It is better to do the computer work at daytime having natural light. Constant staring on the CRT monitor screen, reading and doing computer work at night shall bring you soreness of the eyes, sleep disorders and mental block out at daytime! You can be sure of having these after you have worked under insufficient lighting at night!

Blog Post with related contents:
Safeguarding Your Body while doing computer work

Monday, September 15, 2008

Account Activation through 'Spam Mail'!

In signing up in a website as a member you shall have to intimate your email address. Once you have signed up, you shall be instructed to go over to your email inbox to activate the account by clicking on the link present in the email sent by the website. I signed up in a website but there was no mail in my inbox from that website! I found its mail later in the Spam and then got the account activated! Do you have any such experience? Contact and intimate me about it or share your comments here.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Black Arrow Magic in Word and Blogger!

In the previous blog post I mentioned about the formation of the black arrows from two hyphens and a greater than or a lesser than symbol in MS Office Word document. This dark black arrow (bullet) in the document could not be selected but it could be posted after this selection in another Word document! But such pasting on to a Post Editor of Blogger or a Google Document page transforms it to 'e. The lighter arrow when pasted becomes 'a. The backward arrow turns into B (beta)! These pasted arrows could not be published to the Blog page from the Post Editor. When the Google Document file containing these pasted arrows is saved, they again go for a disordered jumble of converted arrows! But they are published as such in the pasted form to the Blog page through publication as a web page! Next the conversion of these arrows in Google Document page after uploading the Word document file from the computer is remarkable: Dark black arrow is converted into a big black full stop! The lighter arrow (present as typed at the start of the line) becomes an erect rectangle filled with the letters, FODF in two rows! These arrows-file is published in the Blog page as found in the Word document without showing any sign of these conversions! You can inform me about any such other conversions that you experience yourself.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Black Arrow Magic in MS Office Word 2007!

You can open an MS Office Word 2007 Document page, carry out and see these magical wonders: With the key board type two hyphens -- and then the greater than symbol >. A lightly dark arrow appears! Now you can proceed to either press the Space bar once to see the conversion of this arrow into a darker black arrow (bullet) or press down once the Back space key instead, to see an arrow with an interrupted tail formed by the two hyphens and the greater than symbol that you typed! This happens only when you do these by opening a new document page each time of the magic.

Next delete all and repeat once again the above procedure in the same opened page itself. The full black arrows do not appear as before! Only the typed characters appear as they are. After this experience another magic: as you press the Space bar once the characters are converted into a dark black full arrow (bullet)! Then hit the Back space key once. This arrow disappears altogether now!

You can also try this by typing first the lesser than symbol < and then two hyphens --next. Now, only the lighter black arrow appears. Darker arrow (bullet) does not appear here!

The magic key for this lies in AutoCorrect Options icon that you see just before the darker black arrow when it appears on the document! Click on it and find it out yourself (Control AutoFormat Options --> AutoFormat As You Type).

Other posts with Related contents:

Experiencing the Transformation Of Text

Another Transformation of the Existing Transformation of Text

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Direction for File storing at

In my previous blog posting, I had informed about the winding up of MediaMax The Linkup file storing website. Now the set dead line date for that has crossed and the website announces as follows:

We’re sorry, but MediaMax and The Linkup are now closed. If you are looking for an alternate provider, please try’

Below that the has advertised as follows: is the #1 way to securely manage and share files online. Try FREE

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Google Page Creator to Google Sites Transition

Google Page Creator had offered its users free web space and tools to create web pages. Now it has posted in its home page an announcement about its transition to Google Sites as follows!

Transition Process

Google Page Creator is no longer accepting new sign-ups.

Your pages will automatically be transitioned to Google Sites later this year.

You can also move your web pages from Page Creator to Google Sites or other service

providers at anytime.

I wonder whether it could be a move akin to that of MediaMax that closed down recently!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blog Approval by Blog Directories

When you have created a new blog, don’t be hasty to add it to the Blog Directories . All the directories may not welcome your blog to their fold. You may be required to wait to submit it again later. For example, I received an email, after submitting my new blog, from a blog directory as follows:

Submission declined. Your blog is brand new. Resubmit after you have made more postings

As I did so as directed, my blog has been now included in the Directory after about a month! Note its mail message:

Your blog has been reviewed and your updates have been approved’!

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Mark Guaranteeing a Standard Product!

We all see this mark, CE on most of the electronic and other products in every place of the world. What is this and what is the use of this mark?

It is an abbreviated form for the French words “Conformite’ Europeene.” It means “European Conformity.”

If a product bears this CE mark, it is guaranteed that you have a quality product as it complies with European standards of health, safety and environmental protection. Such a marked product of any country can be purchased in the open market anywhere in the world! No restrictions are imposed on the movement of these products within selected countries. Even the Government departments can place them directly in the market for sale, away from its production countries.

This mark is a wonder everywhere!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Touring the World on Verve Earth! - 2

I am continuing here my account of touring the world on Verve Earth satellite!

I find many blogs are not updated frequently. One such blogger says in his post that he has moved to Wordpress but will keep on visiting the Blogger blog then and there!

In a blog from Russia I found a post that mentioned about disposable mobile phone! A Chinese blog from Shanghai exhibited beautiful photos and photos only – a bamboo tree, swans and others!

An Australian blog post showed a photo of a VIP vomiting on the road from his car. A Malaysian fun blog quotes Einstein’s third law to catch a lion: first present yourself to the lion ……..! Then the lion will come to you – to be caught!

It was really a wonderful tour to view all these wonder blogs of the world!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Touring the World on Verve Earth! - 1

Touring the world as if sitting on a satellite and having a look at the blogs of Bloggers present all over the world will be both awful and interesting, isn’t it? I was in a similar situation when I combed through all the world’s continents for the blogs of Bloggers in Verve Earth website! I share here that wonderful experience with you!

In my tour there were regions like that of South America where I cannot read the blogs at all, as they were in local language script. But I could see a blog there that has cartoons and cartoons only!

One blogger near India in Maldives offers help to women of her country to redress their worries through law!

In North America bloggers have their blogs on wide variety of topics. Many of the bloggers I found on the tour are Software Engineers or Technologists working in other nations far away from their native nation. Some of them have even formed their National Community Blogs!

I shall not stop with this and you shall have to wait only just a few days: I shall continue this in my next post until then you can have your own experience on the satellite, Verve Earth!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

At Last an Easier Solution for Blogging with Word found out!

I have now found out an easier solution to surpass the difficulties met with in transferring the post article in Word Document to the Post Editor and publishing it in the blog post page! Simply copy and paste the post article on to the Edit Html mode of the Post Editor first, after clicking on that button; then click on the Compose mode; do any other pending corrective works here and click the PUBLISH BUTTON. That’s all. Your post is now published without encountering any error message or without any need for directly typing on the Post Editor!

Related Contents in this Blog:

Hindrances in Blog Posting with Word Document

Experiencing the Transformation of Text

Another Transformation of the Existing Transformation of Text

Another Transformation for the Existing Transformation of Text!

In the previous post I presented about the transformations of texts when they were transferred from Word Document to the Post Editor of Blogger. In posting that post itself there was another transformation! Note my previous post shown down below. I have entered in it that ‘->’ transformed as ‘-&gt;’ I found in the Post Editor that the very text &gt; itself went for transformation as &amp;gt; ! But when I clicked the PUBLISH BUTTON, it was returned back as usual with the Error message. So, I typed the post all again in the Post Editor directly and published. Those characters were published as &gt; ! I tried but could not add also this curious happening to the previous post itself since my text &amp;gt; that I typed in the Post Editor got converted into &gt; in the post page! But later I found out a way for this: I typed in & amp ; amp ; g t ; to get published as &amp;gt; in the post! [See that the newly found out characters that I have typed here in the previous sentence have been typed each with single space left out deliberately to avoid its transformation in the post page as &gt; ! Be aware of this when you experiment with this] It is needless to say that how I had to type each of these characters carefully in their pre-transformation characters to get this post published correctly in the post page of the blog!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Experiencing the Transformation of Text

Whenever I copy and paste my blog post article from the Word Document of the computer into the Post Editor of the Blogger, I meet with the text alteration problems. One such is that there are -&gt; where ever there is this ‘->’ arrow mark in the original Document! Then, if you click the PUBLISH POST button, such alterations in the texts are either sometimes corrected and published in the post page as in the original Document or mostly returned back with the message: ‘Error. Your HTML cannot be accepted. Tag is not allowed”! In this later case, you may have to enter the whole post article once again in the Post Editor directly to get it published.

You can also try this related experiment on the Post Editor: enter &gt; and click PUBLISH POST button. You will see the ‘greater than’ symbol,’>’ published in the post page!

(In publishing this post also there were alterations for '->' [that was in the Document] as '-&gt;'!)

Related content in this blog: Hindrance in Blog Posting with Word Document

Monday, July 28, 2008

Corrective Measures Prevent Computer Aches

When you work on computer for extended hours, without breaks or exercises in between, you could get many body problems. Out of these pain or stiffness is the major one felt for the first time after such use. This pain or stiffness or discomfort may be in shoulder joint, elbow or the wrist. To prevent these we shall have to keep the hands (elbow region) close to the body (trunk, flank region) and key in the keyboard with the palms facing inwards. The elbows must rest on the keyboard table or on the arm rest of the chair (keyboard should be in level with the arm rest). Hands should not hang from the wrist: wrists also need a resting place on the keyboard table. As gripping the mouse too tightly may affect all the joints altogether with spasms, hold it lightly and gently, and release the grip when it is not required, and rest the hand then and there.

Luckily these problems are temporary, and are reversible easily if they are dealt with early by effecting these corrective measures.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Google's Acquiring News!

The news found in the Feed Burner website: Google has acquired Feed Burner!

Google’s statement regarding this:

Feed based content and advertising is a developing space where we can add value for users, advertisers and publishers

The move is most welcome and much more added values are expected out of it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Lightning Announcement from a Website

Recently the file sharing and storing website, MediaMax changed its name to The Linkup. It asked its old users to register anew in its new The Linkup. And it also informed that its old users’ file will be transferred soon to The Linkup. But now there is an announcement in The Linkup: Closure of both The Linkup and MediaMax on 8th August 2008 at 5 pm! It has also been stated that its users’ files will be deleted at that time and that users shall have to download their files in their accounts before that time.

I am wondering what could have been the fate of the files that haven’t been transferred yet to The Linkup from MediaMax!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Experiencing the Blog Post Disappearance

I was curious to test the button, SAVE AS DRAFT present in the Edit Post page of the Blogger. I had not used it all so far. So, after publishing a post I clicked the edit mark (pencil) shown in the blog below the post. And in the Edit Post page I clicked this button, SAVE AS DRAFT. My post disappeared from both the Edit Post page and the blog page itself! Now I was shown the post saved in the Manage Post of the Dash board as draft! To retrieve the disappeared post I clicked on the title of my post (showing the word ‘draft’ next to it). But I could not get the post in Edit Post page. And I tried on and on all other underlined texts found there and failed. So, I went to Create Post and entered all the post’s contents once again and published it again. Then I returned back to the Manage Post page to investigate, and found out the mistake: I didn’t check the Check box and clicked the Edit button placed before the post title! So, do not leave out anything before you leave off any work so that you can save your time.

Monday, July 14, 2008

A much Easier(!) and Amusing Paint!

There is complexity in using the MS Paint Programme by all. It may take a longer time to complete the paint work in it and to get a total satisfaction out of it. There is another Paint programme called Tux Paint meant for the kids. But it is both easier and amusing to all the ages. Astonishingly it provides you a neat work result and the expected satisfaction! You can try it out yourself by downloading it to your computer.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Honey, I Shrunk the Pictures!

In this blog I displayed first my computer’s picture just below the blog’s title. But it was too large. I could not shrink its size to fit in the Picture Page Element of the blog’s Lay out. So, I removed it with disgust. Later on I tried a way to do this job and found it successful. I simply right clicked on the picture of the computer present in the computer folder. The picture opened in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer. Next I went to proceed as follows: Right- clicking on the picture --> Open With --> Paint --> Images --> Stretch/Skew --> Stretch--> Entering in lesser but equal % in both Horizontal and Vertical boxes--> clicking OK button. Now I got the computer picture reduced in size, moderately. I selected the picture and saved as Bitmap (bmp) file in a file. Then I uploaded it easily to the Picture Page Element of the Lay Out where I could shrink it to the smaller size. You can now see the minimized pictures of the computer below the blog’s title and at the starting place of this post!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Blogs Submission Tangle

One of my blogs was selected by Verve Earth to get registered and shown up in its website. I got it registered. But when I started next to submit my another blog in it, there was a tangle as a result of it: my second blog was accepted; but the sample contents of the first blog were shown, though the URL shown in that website was that of the second blog; the first blog that had been registered earlier disappeared totally from the scene! I was perplexed by this. Later I solved the problem: clicked the Option tab and deleted all the second blog entries in it and clicked Apply button. The submission form disappeared and there was a fresh invitation to submit a blog! I resubmitted my second blog in the new submission form provided and got it approved! Now there is no mix up. For the first blog, I registered again with another email address, submitted it again by filling a new form and got it approved. So, be aware of the fact that some blog directories demand a single registration while some others need multiple registrations with them for approving your blogs.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Hindrance in Blog Posting with Word Document

In blog posting using a Word document may be difficult sometimes. After copying and pasting in the ‘Create Post’ page, if you click Publish button, the post returns unpublished in HTML code with a red error message that it is not allowed. If you scroll down carefully through the returned document you will see a highlighted HTML area. I deleted this area by simply hitting the Delete key and clicked then the Publish button. But the post was returned back again showing the error message and with another highlighted area. I did such deletion and publishing for about twenty times – till it was published unexpectedly when I almost lost hope in it! To avoid such a difficulty see first the format of Word that does not give such hindrance in creating and publishing. Use that for each of your subsequent posting.

It is advised by experts in blogging not to use Word document at all as it adds large amount of extra codes. So, if you want to free yourself of these all hindrances and hardships you can go directly to the ‘Create Post’ page of the blog, type and publish the posts there itself, then and there.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Beware of Tricking-and-Cheating Relatives and Friends

I received a provoking email that contained the invitation by my relative to join a community website. There were two option Buttons displayed to join or not join it: Yes and No. (It was required to click ‘Yes’ to be friends and ‘No’ if otherwise!). I clicked ‘Yes’ and signed in the community after registering in it. I found there the name of my relative. But I doubted about the authenticity of the email as there was a mismatching between the nature of the relative and the website contents. I went again to the email and read it all carefully word by word. I found that it was sent by the community website itself and not by the relative. I enquired the relative about sending me such an email. The answer was a ‘No’! Similarly there was another such email in the IN BOX from another relative of (me and) the first mentioned relative! I enquired about it again and confirmed that it is a tricking into joining the community. Beware of this trick. Your name and email address could be used like this to trick-and-cheat your friends or relatives!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Antispyware's Blocking Drama

Antispywares and Antivirus softwares are said to slow down the computer performance and web browsing. But they also block the browsing totally sometimes: whenever I typed an URL in the address box the Antispyware software installed in the computer informed through a dialogue box with buttons of ALLOW and BLOCK, and a check box that gave option not to show that dialogue box again. If I clicked any of these buttons, everything was frozen leaving only the option of turning off of the computer! A total block in the web browsing was the result. Surprisingly there was a single solution to remove this block: ‘ticking in the check box’ – not to show the dialogue box once again! That’s all. The block was removed!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Blog Posting - Problems after Copying and Pasting the File Contents

For leisurely, quicker and easier posting in blog you shall prepare your post in a document in advance and save it in a file. When you post (paste) this file content in the blog by copying it, there may appear difference in the font size of the post or overcrowding of the letters. Moreover if you change the font size to a desired larger one or smaller one than the copied one there will be invariably derangement of words in the blog post. These nuisances could be avoided first by checking the font size etc. of the document contents and correcting all of them, or by changing to the desired font size in the document itself before copying for posting.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Block in Blogging Encountered

There was a delay in posting the previous blog-posting dated 16th June 2008 (note it also below this post). The reason behind it is that unusual excess megabytes consumption for a shorter spell of web browsing was there. The ‘sending’ (uploading) consumption was more than the receiving (downloading) consumption although almost nothing was sent up at all in the internet! Inference: some ‘Spyware’ (or a virus) had encroached in internet files, as the computer performance was not affected by it. The main affection and the handicap was that I could not get any search result from Google or Yahoo. And I could not get any website at all. Blogger website could display only its home page. But remarkably I got easily Sify (unusually!) and Verveearth among these blocks! It was like getting only STAR Sports (Cable delivered TV channel) when lightning discharge had damaged the Tuner Box of the television.

These problems were solved only after reinstalling the Operating System once again as usual. I think that my computer and browsing will be spared for another ten months or so, as it was before!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Adding Link URL to a Divided Word Group

You want to add a link URL to a Word Group in your blog post (article). But part of the word group is in the line’s end and the rest in the next line’s starting place. In linking, here you cannot select such a divided group with the mouse insertion point. You can try it yourself! You can solve this problem by selecting the word group's first part and then sliding down the insertion point without releasing the click pressure (that selects the whole of the next line also) and then by moving it towards the left hand side (that deselects the unwanted words) up to the second part of the group. Now you have selected the whole word group and can now proceed to add the link URL!

Another method is also there:

Place the insertion point at the start of the Word Group. Pressing the Shift key select forward with the Right Arrow key each letters one after the other. The selection will be continuous one. The selection will slide down itself from the first part of the word group to its second part in the next line. A quite easier method!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Avoiding the Hardship of Repeating the Emailing Process

An interruption in emailing process is described here. Suppose that you are typing in an email message. At that time you want to go back to another website for referring to its web page and then return back to emailing. How should it be done? First minimize the mail page. Open the website’s page in a separate new tab in the task bar, refer to it and then return back to emailing. If you had opened the same website page earlier, before starting to email, and now have clicked the Back button of the browser and selected the concerned web page or you have opened the web page on the same upper task bar as that of the emailing page, you will see your email message erased when you return back to it! Or you will see the following message in red letters in another new page: ’Your session has expired. Please log in again’! So, avoid wisely the hardship of repeating again all the those steps of emailing.

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