The Blog for the Web and Computer Users


This blog is the online record of my observations and experiences about using the computer and about web surfing. Click on Older Posts at the bottom to view more pages. Click on the 'Added features' placed below the posts and get entertained and enlightened! You can get this blog quickly by adding it to Bookmarks or Favorites tabs. [Visit also my other blogs: Natural Scientific & Medical Wonders and Kindling Thoughts].

Friday, December 25, 2009

Virtual Tours through technology!

When a person visits a place of tourist interest he/she has to turn around in all the directions to see all the beauties in it. Can we have all these turning around effects in our computer monitor itself
without visiting a place? Yes, it can be experienced in this website of Virtual Tours - Tamil Nadu Tourism that has been made possible with the Virtual Tour Technology. Here one can visit tourist spots present in twenty two famous tourist places of Tamil Nadu, India. For example, in the web page of Madurai Meenakshiamman Temple, when you click at a point in the plan diagram shown, you are led to to that actual spot inside the temple! In that page if you select arrows and click on, you can rotate the entire spot in 360 degrees and see all the scenes around (you!) there! You can also view the ceiling showing you the paintings or the granite flooring down!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Now Google Goggles on Google's eyes!

Google search
gives us the search results wonderfully for the word or the text we type in its Search box. Now Google has launched its visual search called Google Goggles. This search uses pictures provided for its searching. One can point the camera of his/her cell phone towards the object to be known, and get the Google Goggles' web results in the cell phone itself! At present this facility has been designed only for phones with Android Operating System. It is now a Google Labs version only and it can be expected to become a full-fledged version soon.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Short Task fills your pocket!

You know about working with computer and have a computer with internet connection - and also have some free time. Then you need not remain idle: you can do some short tasks on the internet and get paid for that!
For that log on to such a website: Short Task. And see how the work you do provides you with a good amount of money!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pdf Search Engine helps you!

As you know PDF files can be read with a PDF Reader, only after they have been downloaded to the computer. O.K. Now, you want to know about the contents of an ebook that is in PDF and want to download it to your computer; but you do not know where it is. Is there anyway for finding it out? Yes, there is a PDF Search Engine for it! You can
paste the book's PDF file URL or its name into its search box and click on the Search Books button to get all the search results related to it. It is powered by Google.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Another effect with Read More!

In adding the 'Read More'
link in the previous post of this blog (dated 14th November 2009) I encountered another strange effect on the same blog post itself! As you can see below in that post, I first selected the middle spot of the words, Kindling Thoughts for this and did it. After publishing the post, as an after effect to that,

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Blog Post Title Conversion!

In earlier posts I had given details of conversions in the Blogger blog post contents and about those in the Blogger Post Editor contents. Recently I came across conversion even in the blog post title present in the Post Editor.
You can note the title of the post that I refer to here: in the Archives of my other blog, Kindling Thoughts (dated 13th August 2009).

Saturday, November 7, 2009

PDF file Printing

The other day I received a PDF file (Portable Document Format file)
as attachment to an email. I wanted a print copy of it. So, I downloaded it to My Document of computer. But the file could not be printed as the printing machine did not support direct PDF printing. Then I found a way to print with this printing machine: I right-

Friday, October 30, 2009

Bizarre effect by Read More linking!

While inserting the 'Read More' link to a post of my other Blogger blog there was a
bizarre thing that happened to the Home page of the blog: all the texts were blackened out; but only the pictures found on the page stood out enthralling on the black background! I felt sad about it. Then I tried all the means for removing the

Friday, October 23, 2009

Translate document in Google Docs!

You can express yourself or share information with your friends in other countries of the world or with your relatives who do not know English, by this tool present in Google Docs: it is the Translate document found in the Tools menu of the Google Docs. For this, you have to simply type in ...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Phoenix Failsafe protection for Laptops!

Availability and usage of Laptop computers are increasing day by day. Students who have passed their exams with State first ranks are honored and praised
with a Laptop present. Even at educational institutions laptops are given free for the freshers. So, now it has become essential to safeguard the laptops ...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Instant Web access with HyperSpace!

You want to access urgently a file in your laptop computer or an info on a Web page. But the computer takes time to load or boot making you wait impatiently. This a common problem that all of us experience ...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Inserting Read More to read more!

I was wondering how bloggers insert the 'Read more' link to their blog posts. As I was also desiring that link to be added in my blog, I began to search for ways
for it. Luckily Blogger made it easier through its ...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Multiple submissions by Seoflex!

One of the ways to increase visitor's traffic to a blog/website is submitting it to Search Engines
like Google, Yahoo and many others. This submission can be done individually by entering into the search engine site itself. For example, one can try it here in the site of Bing. Otherwise, it can be done in many search engines by visiting a single website! Such a website has collective submission facilities for submission to numerous search engines. One such website is Seoflex. It contains about eighty eight submission facilities. By clicking here one can try submitting a website/blog to it free! And then see the visitors' traffic to increase much more than before.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Coloring and web-linking texts in Blogging

In blogging if you publish through Google Documents to your Blogger blog, you might come across problems of web-linking
the colored texts of the blog post: when you web-link either in Google Document page or in the Post Editor of Blogger, the color of the linked text is obscured by the web-linking blue color. To avoid this problem, first give color to the text only in the Post Editor of Blogger and not in Google Documents. Then link it with website URL. If you had already colored and/or linked the text in Google Documents, then you shall have to remove the link from the text first, then its color and then repeat coloring and web-linking. (For removing the link, first select the text, click on the web-linking icon [Link]on the menu bar of the Post Editor, and then simply click on OK button in the box shown). Sometimes you shall have to even delete the whole text and retype all of it once again in Post Editor and repeat again the process of coloring and web-linking!

Related posts in this blog:
Hyperlinking Colored Text!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Space deletion in Blogger blog post

Whenever you publish Blogger blog post by Google Documents, there will be some alterations in the size or location of fonts, and the presence of empty spaces in the post. One of such changes is the presence of unnecessary space between the title of the blog post and the starting paragraph
of the post. If a picture is also there between them, it complicates further the problem: in the Post Editor of Blogger, if you select the picture and try to place it further above, it shifts to another unwanted location! Sometimes the picture itself gets deleted in the process. To delete the unwanted space and avoid other resulting such problems, in the Post Editor place the Insertion Point just before the starting of the paragraph or on the line just above the picture and begin to hit the Back Space key once at a time till the picture with the post text shifts up line by line till the intended space is got below the Post Editor's upper margin. Now publish the post: you have got now the extra space deleted, and the post has become neat for viewing!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Remote file transfer by TeamViewer!

The other day I was browsing the internet with my computer
. At that time my son called me from his city over phone and asked me to open and enter into a website, and then to open My Computer of the computer. I did so. But now I found the Mouse Pointer to move over the files by itself! I was shocked by this with fear overwhelming. I called back my son and reported about it. My son laughed at it and replied that he only had done it by using the same website that I entered in! Then he got a copy of the file that he required, transferred from my computer to his computer! Yes, it is the TeamViewer website that helped him to do this. Over internet, with its help one can access remotely files of any computer present anywhere in the world within seconds. You can also remote control your friend's computer as if you are sitting right in front of it. And you can also share files with your friends - sending and receiving! Do you want to try now itself entering into this website? Click on here --> TeamViewer.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Frozen keys in browsing through blogs

As you browse the internet you come across some puzzling things. Out of them I recently met with one: I was viewing a blog chosen from the directory of Entrecard ( a viewer traffic enhancing website). As usual I clicked on the 'Drop' of the Entrecard Blog advertising widget ('Blog of the day') as a token of my visit to that blog. After that I could not view further that blog as I did before that click! The Space bar or (Shift + Space bar), Home key, End key and the Arrow keys lay frozen to my operational movements and so, I could not use them to move the web page up or down! I could use only the Mouse pointer to move the page up or down by holding the Scrollbar.

Similar thing happens after leaving a comment in a blog. Could anyone explain why does this happen? You can share here your own experience about it.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Safeguarding picture in resizing

You may resize a picture using Microsoft Picture Manager. But you cannot get back the original picture with the same clarity as before, when you try to restore its original size again using the Picture Manager, in the reverse way. The original size restored picture here will be blurred like this:

To avoid this, first right click on the picture and then left click on the 'Send To' of the menu shown and send the copy of that picture either to the Desktop or My Document and rename it. Now resize the original picture to the desired size. If you find this resized picture not pleasing delete it, and bring back the copy of it present on the Desktop or the My Document.

Moreover remember that if you do not rename the picture's copy (saved on the Desktop or My Document) beforehand, you will see it also get deleted when you delete the resized undesired picture! Or you can instead of renaming the copy, rename the resized picture to prevent this deletion.

Related Posts in this blog:
Work Tools in Microsoft Programmes
Down-sizing with Picture Manager
Honey, I shrunk the Pictures!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Image searching with TinEye!

A website searches the web and identifies the location of the images you present to it. It is TinEye (a beta version owned by Idee Inc.). This image search engine uses image identification technology. It also finds and presents you with the results about how an image is being used now and whether there is any modified version of it elsewhere. If you want to have an experience with it, upload an image or paste a URL in the search box of this --> TinEye and click on Search!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A correction in MS Word helps blogging

When I was uploading to Google Docs and publishing a Blogger blog post, that was prepared in Microsoft Office Word,
I encountered a problem. I want to share here about it with you. When I published the post prepared as said above, there was a difference in font size among the text contents. Even if I changed the differently sized text to to that of the required one (in the Google Docs) and published, the same problem kept on recurring. It could not be corrected. Reason behind it is that the blog post had been prepared on a zoomed MS Office Word document page! So, before entering anything in a plain document page first check and ensure that the page is reset to 100% in Zoom of View tab of MS Office Word.

Related Posts:
Hindrance in Blog Posting with Word Document
At last an Easier Solution for blogging with Word found out!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Vanishing Mails with Vanish!

Even though messages and
photos are deleted in the Inbox of an email page (got in a computer or a cell phone), they can still exist in the Web as they are passed on by the Web mail services. Anybody can retrieve them and misuse against you. Now a research system, called Vanish gives its users a control over the lifetime of their messages, photos or other personal data that is stored in the Web. With this Vanish these all become unreadable permanently by themselves at a specified timeout. As they are already encrypted by the Vanish and the encryption key for it is lost at the timeout, they self - destruct themselves. So, after this it becomes impossible to decrypt and read the data once for all! Hence, Vanish will be a valuable and useful system tool for all of us soon.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Inbox Preview in Gmail by Google Labs

At times of busy work, after signing in the mail account one has to wait patiently for the emails to load in the inbox. To avoid such a boring and inactive time, and to relieve the tension of the impatient person Gmail has added a new feature, Inbox Preview in its Google Labs. With this the person can view the presence or absence of emails before all the messages are loaded in the inbox! The person can view the presence of his/her first ten recent messages. When there is a slowing down of internet, this feature will be very helpful to relieve the anxiety.

To procure this feature to your Gmail inbox, click on the Settings tab of the Gmail page and check the Enable radio button in the 'Inbox Preview' that appears in the list found on clicking the Labs tab. It will be a convenience at times of inconveniences!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Puzzled Signing-in in Mozilla!

I was signing in a website: I clicked on the Sign in button; but I could not enter the web page. The
home page of the website kept on returning back as I repeated on and on this signing in business! I was shocked and wondered whether someone has hacked. I went on to check and confirm it in an another website; but that too returned the signing-in page - but with a note to check the browser's settings in the computer:
Your browser's cookie functionality is turned off. Please turn it on.

Yes, it is the
Gmail that helped me to solve this perplexing problem: I had disabled by mistake the Accept cookies from sites check box instead of the Accept third-party cookies in Privacy tab of Option (Tools menu of Mozilla Firefox)! I felt greatly relieved then. You can go through this as a mock exercise and find out how Google helps you in it with its Account Help page.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Eliminating space in blog post

In blogging (publishing) in, sometimes you find that there is much empty space left out between the currently published blog post and the previous one.
It impairs the neatness of the post presented for viewing. To remove this space, go again to Blogger's Dashboard --> click on Edit Post --> Post Editor. Now make a left click on the Mouse so that the blinking Cursor occupies in the lowest possible part of the empty space below the text of the blog post that is to be published again. Now press once or more the Backspace key of the keyboard so that the Cursor moves up on each line space step by step till it lands up next to the last text of the post. And then click on the Publish tab: now you see in your blog that there is no empty space in the published post, and it is neat!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Mistakes in Titles and Tags!

In preparation of a blog post in Blogger Post Editor, the blogger must be careful in typing the post’s title. Once you have made a mistake in the spelling of the title words and publish the post, you will get both the title and the URL of the post with the misspelled words only. Later, even if you correct the spelling mistake and publish it again, the mistake in the URL will not be corrected though that of the title is corrected! So, check twice the letters of the title words before clicking on the Publish button: See as an example in this blog post: Use of Body, Mind and Money Here the URL has 'momey' for 'money'! Similarly the mistakes committed in the Tag words are retained as such for all the posts you create in the future whenever you try to use them. You cannot change at all the mistakes here. So, give extra care in typing the spelling of tag words.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Puzzles & Teasers are here!

Do you want to get puzzled everyday? A blog offers you daily a puzzle, a riddle or a teaser in its post. You have to post your answer in the Comments section. The next day the person who has given the correct answer is declared as the winner in the Comments section itself. This blog has been added recently in the Blogs of Note of (on May 13th 2009)! Puzzled about this blog? You can visit it by clicking on: Question of the day!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Kindling Creativity Online!

Nowadays creativity is required for both children and adults to help them out of routine sedentary work. It has to be now kindled. A blog does this job! It is The One-Minute Writer. It posts daily a 'writing prompt' (- asks to suggest ideas in a competition mode). The visitor has to enter his/her idea in 'Comments' section of the post within 60 seconds and publish. The winner is announced the next day with the appreciation under the heading, 'One minute writing of the day.' I tried myself in this blog on May 21st 2009 in the post with the prompt on 'Reuse.' Am I prompting you to visit this blog?!

Friday, June 12, 2009

VerveEarth locates Blogger easily!

VerveEarth locates its Blogger members in its world (Google) map at its home page, for the net surfers, to find out them easily. It has added a new feature to its home page: a List box on the right upper corner. In it you can see the list of Bloggers, with each member’s details such as icon, name, location and recent blog updating time. The box contains on the top of the list the details of a Blogger who has updated his/her blog with the latest post, at the time of your viewing. You can click on any one of the list file and visit the selected blog. The box has on its top bar in the right corner two icons, a small ball of Earth and an inverted triangle. By clicking on any of them you can view a list of texts – Log in, Topic and Location. These aid you to log in, and browse the blogs through the selected blog topics or the Bloggers’ locations in the world! After this, if you click on either the inverted triangle or the small ball, you can return back to the list of recently updated Blogger members again. In the lower bar of the box ‘Grab it!’ shows you the icons of Blogger and iGoogle to post to the blog quickly (if you are a Blogger) and to get VerveEarth widget code to be copied and pasted on to the blog.

This new feature does away with the time consuming job of finding out the (known) Bloggers’ location on the world map of VerveEarth. Find now your Blogger in VerveEarth and feel the new experience yourself!

Search also in of Microsoft!

A new search engine has been launched by Microsoft: In it search results are shown under ‘ALL RESULTS. Each search result shows up a vertical line with a round yellow centre on the right side space as you place the pointer on it! As you move the pointer on it towards the right side, at about one and half inch a display, ‘Just a moment’ appears in the place of the line, followed by a sample text of the result. To go to the web page, you shall have to click on the ‘Go to the page’ tab found at the bottom.
With these results, ‘RELATED SEARCHES‘list is also displayed on the left side space. One can choose tabs of Web, Images, Videos, News, Maps and More that are placed at the top of the page. Each image-search result is projected to a large size towards you as you place the pointer on it!
Get the experience in these features and others by yourself in this Bing Search Engine.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Work Tools in Microsoft Programmes

There are multiple utility tools in Microsoft Programmes for doing one and the same action. You only have to choose a suitable and convenient tool out of them. An example for it:

Microsoft Office Picture Manager used for editing pictures has a Picture menu tab. This tab has many options in it. If a picture needs changes in its brightness, Brightness and Contrast option is chosen, and in it either the Slider button is used for it, or the numerals in the Spin Box (found next to the Slider) are decreased or increased through clicking on the Spin Control arrow buttons.

Brightness and Contrast (on the ‘Picture’ tab) Brightness and Contrast Settings Brightness Sliding button or the Spin Control arrow buttons

Apart from these, an easier way to adjust the brightness is also there: click the mouse button once after placing the pointer before or next to the Slider button. Now you get the brightness of the picture altered quickly and easily by ten points!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Selective Deletion of Browsing History!

After you have finished the web surfing with Mozilla Firefox, you can delete all the browsed websites’ URLs by clicking the Clear Private Data option of Tools menu. But can you delete the browsed URLs for a particular period selectively? Yes, you can! Click on History tab --> Show All History --> Library. Scroll down or up in the window of the Library that shows all the browsed details line by line. Select the first URL shown (actually it is the lastly browsed websites’ URL in the selected portion for deletion). Simply hit down continuously at the Delete key of the keyboard one after the other till the last URL to be deleted; then close the window. Now the selective deletion work is done!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Variations in Blog with Internet Explorer!

Blogging and blog viewing differs with the browser, Internet Explorer:

  1. In viewing blogs one could see an area that appears to be painted with a brush – for two or three seconds as you scroll up the blog page in Internet Explorer.

  2. The images uploaded into the Blogger Post Editor for publishing get their size altered: thumbnail image becomes ‘Small sized’ (larger than that of the thumbnail size)!

  3. In the similar above said way the thumbnail images are uploaded to Google Document files also as ‘Small sized’ images only!

    If you have any such experiences with the Internet Explorer or any other browsers, you can share them here with me by clicking on the Comments.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Virus drives out Pen drive files!

The other day I was browsing the Internet at a browsing center that I did not visit frequently. Side by side I was using the computer for resizing the pictures (for blog postings), which I got from my Pen drive (USB Flash Drive) that I had inserted on to that computer. As I resized and saved the first picture with the help of Microsoft Picture Manager, an alert message was displayed as, ‘Contact Administrator,’ without saving it! I stopped all the work on the computer and quit. But later on, when I used the pen drive on another computer that I used to, I found all my files missing, and gone forever! When I saved a new Word document it was saved in another folder instead of saving in the usual (but now missing) folder. The problem was then found out to be in my pen drive – that has been now infected with computer virus transported from the previously used computer. By using Antivirus softwares most of the lost files were retrieved back. Now I heave a sigh of relief.

So, be cautious in using a computer that you are not used to and check its protected status before using it. Or, use only that computer that is well known to have protection against computer viruses.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Conversion Correction in Blog Posts

I come across with different types of conversions in the Post Editor of Blogger after my publishing the blog post through Google Documents:
  1. Sentences are broken up unnecessarily and are not continuous – not reaching to the right margin. They are piled up in the left half of the Post Editor! (But in some of the computers the sentences are continuous and in regular order as such).

  2. Usually these broken up sentences (as above) could be arranged in order (- moving to the next higher sentence line) by placing the Cursor before the start of the line and pressing the Backspace key once and then pressing the Space bar once. (But this later step of pressing the Space bar is not required in some computers having LCD monitors!).

  3. In the computers using the Internet Explorer as browser the black arrow, ‘’ in the Google Documents file is converted into an icon showing a writing pen in the Post Editor! (But there is no such problem with Mozilla Firefox).

  4. With Internet Explorer as browser, the numbered list is shown (- in the Post Editor) with the sentence below the number in the next line! I have to shift up the sentence by placing the Cursor on the start and press the Backspace key as said above in the point No.2 here above. You can try all these and have the experience yourself!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dejection in Rejection by Word!

As a routine I was saving a document file (MS Office Word 2007) after its preparation. After entering the name of the file, I clicked the Save tab. But the file was not saved and the Save As page was retained with the instruction to enter a competent file name! I repeated and tried all the means to save, but in vain. Dejected, I changed the christened name (a Blog post’s title) and found next that the file was saved! Luckily I didn’t use the ‘question mark’ this time – which I used earlier: yes, as a question mark was used in the name the file had been repeatedly rejected in saving it!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

NaukriOnChat ties jobs with you!

The job search portal has tied up with Google and has formed ‘NaukriOnChat’ in GTalk. If you are a Gmail account holder, you can add this address – as friend’s address, in GTalk and start searching for jobs, get details of the job and apply for it by using this NaukriOnChat !

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