The Blog for the Web and Computer Users


This blog is the online record of my observations and experiences about using the computer and about web surfing. Click on Older Posts at the bottom to view more pages. Click on the 'Added features' placed below the posts and get entertained and enlightened! You can get this blog quickly by adding it to Bookmarks or Favorites tabs. [Visit also my other blogs: Natural Scientific & Medical Wonders and Kindling Thoughts].

Friday, May 30, 2008

Imagining the Way of Sending and receiving Emails

I configure here a model of email provider’s computer and envision the acts of email sending, storing and referring to understand about them easily:

Imagine an empty chest. There are many white papers hung in it. The pages are connected to a remote email sender by ‘some way.’ The remote email sender writes (types) on this paper by ‘some way.’ This written matter is fixed and stored. The mail is also locked for viewing by the addressee only. When the addressee residing at a remote place keys in and unlocks he can now access and read this message sent by the remote sender, by ’some way.’

This chest is the mail provider’s server computer and the ‘some way’ is nothing but the Internet’s World Wide Web!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Time Saving in Computer Work!

Time spent before the computer will be the longest one when compared to other works or hobbies. So, do not waste your valuable time in searching or finding the way out for problems yourself. Be well informed beforehand about the procedure to be followed. Enquire the people with good exposure and experience in the field. Fix a time limit for your work and adhere to it without any relaxation or leniency in it. Plan beforehand your work topics confining them to a well limited extent. It will be better to let in your To-do-list well inside the allotted time allowing some free excess time for rising out from work to do the eye exercises or to have a talk with colleagues or to have a stroll around the place. If a work topic seems to extend beyond the time limit either postpone it if it is a less important one or if it is an important work do it but postpone the next one to another session. Never go for extending the work for completion sake or for giving perfection to it. Adhere to the planned time. At such times think about this that there are rather more important duties or more enjoyable work waiting for you in this world that have to be one by you, and that this extended computer work may affect your body health and affect also your harmonious relationship with family members, colleagues or the boss. If you could really follow these guidelines and could control yourself, and above all your desiring mind, you shall not become addicted to the computer and shall have a good body health and save also your valuable time to the most.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Online Storage for 'The Easier and Quicker Way to Browse the Web'

Computers were the sole storage sites for documents, images etc. But now online storage has come in as at sometimes the stored matter in the computer is lost due to the malfunctioning of the hardwares or softwares.

I have posted ‘The Easier and Quicker Way to Browse the Web’ (dated 25th April 2008 displayed down here in the older posts). I have written in it that websites could be stored in a Word document and used for easier web browsing. Now these websites are stored online in a storing website instead. One such prominent website is Ma.gnolia. In it the registered user collects together all the popular and desired websites in hundreds and tag them into many categories. The user apart from using these to browse the websites shares them also with groups of persons formed under him or her. It reminds me of my habit in similarity with this that I started in the year 2002: I used to write all the useful websites I come across on a piece of paper one after the other , each under a heading that describes its content (tags)! I have used thus such lists as ‘bookmarks’ earlier itself for browsing selectively!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

An Encounter with a 'Top Protection'

Recently I wanted to save to my computer a beautiful photo of a flower placed in a Blogger’s post. I right clicked on it. But there came a warning: ‘Right Click Protection Provided by Whoz’. I abandoned the attempt with dismay. Now I casually got my blog registered with WhozOnTop for getting ratings. Then I tried to find out from where the blogger could have obtained the right click protection in this blog. But I could not. I wanted to check presence of any change in my blog after the registration. I just right clicked on one of my blog photos. I got the same warning (protection) as that of it in the Blogger’s post photo!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Working in Easier Ways and Pleasing to the eyes

We can use our computer by modifying its display suitably so that each of us could work on it more conveniently. Even with wearing our specs for the near vision if we find it difficult to read or type the fonts on the computer screen, there are the following ways to tide over the problem:

  1. You can click the View button on the tool bar, in case you are working on a Document, and then click on Zoom to open the Zoom dialog box. Check in the radio buttons or use the number box to choose your desired percentage of magnification and then click OK.

  2. Or to get a quick magnification select the desired zoom level at the status bar at the bottom. After working with the magnification you can restore the zoom level to Normal by using this again or by selecting the View button as said above and choosing the option in it. The whole document will be then displayed in the normal size of fonts (the font size first selected by you in the Font Size button).

  3. When you are making a document or browsing the web you can click the View button of the browser and select the Text Size from the list to increase, decrease the size or to restore to the normal size.

  4. Or you can scroll down or up the wheel of the Mouse after pressing the Ctrl key, for decreasing or increasing the magnification. This could be used for working on document also.

These could make your computer work or the web browsing easier, convenient and pleasing to your eyes. (Note this: the tips for browsing in the points third and fourth works only with Mozilla Firefox!).

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Earning as You Work Online!

You can earn when you work part time on the web and computer! There are many websites that deal with such jobs. One among them is: GoogleCash - 2. It makes you earn with a minimum initial investment (Rs.1000/-). It also offers two job programmes at a concessional rate. If you have the skill and time to spare, why cannot you avail yourself of these online lucrative jobs, that help companies to advertise their products?

Friday, May 9, 2008

Making easily a 'Blizzard' of Emails!

Now you have to send emails to too many persons at the same time periodically and repeatedly. There is a way for that:

First type all those email addresses in a Word document, each separated by a comma only. Then save the document. Whenever you compose a mail, go to this Word document --> [Select all those email addresses -> right click and Copy] --> [Mailbox -> ComposeMail page -> ‘To:’ box -> right click on it and Paste]. Now type the email content and send to all those addressees!

With some email providers (e.g. Sifymail) there is a limit to the number of persons to whom the mails can be sent at a given time. To deal with this you can type the email addresses in separate paragraphs each containing permitted number of email addresses, and then save the document. Select a paragraph at a time and then proceed as above stated to send the emails.

This method avoids the laborious process of adding to the ‘To:’ box all the email addresses from the Address Box. And you can also send emails to many persons at anytime easily, selectively and repeatedly!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Adding Easily Email Addresses to Address Box

We encounter a lengthy list of email addresses in one of the emails in inbox (e.g. of Sify Mail) to all of which the mail contents are sent. And we want to save them in our Personal Address book for future use. For that we can do the following, to add them easily instead of the laborious typing each address in the Address Add box and clicking on the Add button each time:

Select all the email addresses found in the ‘To’ section of the email --> right click and CopyWord document -> right click and Paste -> right click on an address copied -> click Remove Hyperlink -> select the email address portion only -> right click -> Copy] --> [go to Personal Address Book of Mail Box-> Add email id to the Address Book box -> right click in it and Paste -> click ADD button]. Your desired email address would have been now added successfully to the addresses list! (If it is found not added, delete all other accompaniments of the address in the Word document page and once again repeat the procedure as before). Repeat for all the email addresses and save all of them in the Address Book for future quicker and easier emailing!

Friday, May 2, 2008

'Refresh' yourself to avoid 'Stop'

While sitting in front of computer and doing monotonous work for hours, you get bored. You can have chat with colleagues. But this is not possible always. You can get relaxation by seeing beautiful flowers – that too on computer screen itself. Yes, many websites (e.g. India Garden - Garden Bloggers Blooms Day) offer such flowers with relaxing colors to soothe the worn out and bored mind. You can try one of them now and then. Or you can listen to pleasing music of your choice through head phones and relax and refresh yourself.

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