The Blog for the Web and Computer Users


This blog is the online record of my observations and experiences about using the computer and about web surfing. Click on Older Posts at the bottom to view more pages. Click on the 'Added features' placed below the posts and get entertained and enlightened! You can get this blog quickly by adding it to Bookmarks or Favorites tabs. [Visit also my other blogs: Natural Scientific & Medical Wonders and Kindling Thoughts].

Monday, September 22, 2008

Beckoning Pain through Computer Work!

The pain resulting out of computer usage is mainly dependent upon the posture we assume and the duration of our computer work. As posture is determined by the chair we sit on, it has to be of appropriate dimensions. Moreover the computer table platform on which our wrist rests should be on level with the arm of the chair – to avoid the strain on the forearm and offer relaxation.

Neck pain may arise out of our eye level to the monitor screen not being on the normal line of vision – being either above or below it. To avoid it you can adjust either the height of the chair or that of the computer table, and also the monitor axis at its pedestal, to a slighter extent.

The longer period of repetitive computer work shall usher in pain or spasm in the hands and shoulders. The pain will be distressing if you do the work continuously without break, and for a longer time.

It is better to do the computer work at daytime having natural light. Constant staring on the CRT monitor screen, reading and doing computer work at night shall bring you soreness of the eyes, sleep disorders and mental block out at daytime! You can be sure of having these after you have worked under insufficient lighting at night!

Blog Post with related contents:
Safeguarding Your Body while doing computer work

Monday, September 15, 2008

Account Activation through 'Spam Mail'!

In signing up in a website as a member you shall have to intimate your email address. Once you have signed up, you shall be instructed to go over to your email inbox to activate the account by clicking on the link present in the email sent by the website. I signed up in a website but there was no mail in my inbox from that website! I found its mail later in the Spam and then got the account activated! Do you have any such experience? Contact and intimate me about it or share your comments here.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Black Arrow Magic in Word and Blogger!

In the previous blog post I mentioned about the formation of the black arrows from two hyphens and a greater than or a lesser than symbol in MS Office Word document. This dark black arrow (bullet) in the document could not be selected but it could be posted after this selection in another Word document! But such pasting on to a Post Editor of Blogger or a Google Document page transforms it to 'e. The lighter arrow when pasted becomes 'a. The backward arrow turns into B (beta)! These pasted arrows could not be published to the Blog page from the Post Editor. When the Google Document file containing these pasted arrows is saved, they again go for a disordered jumble of converted arrows! But they are published as such in the pasted form to the Blog page through publication as a web page! Next the conversion of these arrows in Google Document page after uploading the Word document file from the computer is remarkable: Dark black arrow is converted into a big black full stop! The lighter arrow (present as typed at the start of the line) becomes an erect rectangle filled with the letters, FODF in two rows! These arrows-file is published in the Blog page as found in the Word document without showing any sign of these conversions! You can inform me about any such other conversions that you experience yourself.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Black Arrow Magic in MS Office Word 2007!

You can open an MS Office Word 2007 Document page, carry out and see these magical wonders: With the key board type two hyphens -- and then the greater than symbol >. A lightly dark arrow appears! Now you can proceed to either press the Space bar once to see the conversion of this arrow into a darker black arrow (bullet) or press down once the Back space key instead, to see an arrow with an interrupted tail formed by the two hyphens and the greater than symbol that you typed! This happens only when you do these by opening a new document page each time of the magic.

Next delete all and repeat once again the above procedure in the same opened page itself. The full black arrows do not appear as before! Only the typed characters appear as they are. After this experience another magic: as you press the Space bar once the characters are converted into a dark black full arrow (bullet)! Then hit the Back space key once. This arrow disappears altogether now!

You can also try this by typing first the lesser than symbol < and then two hyphens --next. Now, only the lighter black arrow appears. Darker arrow (bullet) does not appear here!

The magic key for this lies in AutoCorrect Options icon that you see just before the darker black arrow when it appears on the document! Click on it and find it out yourself (Control AutoFormat Options --> AutoFormat As You Type).

Other posts with Related contents:

Experiencing the Transformation Of Text

Another Transformation of the Existing Transformation of Text

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