The Blog for the Web and Computer Users


This blog is the online record of my observations and experiences about using the computer and about web surfing. Click on Older Posts at the bottom to view more pages. Click on the 'Added features' placed below the posts and get entertained and enlightened! You can get this blog quickly by adding it to Bookmarks or Favorites tabs. [Visit also my other blogs: Natural Scientific & Medical Wonders and Kindling Thoughts].

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Direction for File storing at

In my previous blog posting, I had informed about the winding up of MediaMax The Linkup file storing website. Now the set dead line date for that has crossed and the website announces as follows:

We’re sorry, but MediaMax and The Linkup are now closed. If you are looking for an alternate provider, please try’

Below that the has advertised as follows: is the #1 way to securely manage and share files online. Try FREE

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Google Page Creator to Google Sites Transition

Google Page Creator had offered its users free web space and tools to create web pages. Now it has posted in its home page an announcement about its transition to Google Sites as follows!

Transition Process

Google Page Creator is no longer accepting new sign-ups.

Your pages will automatically be transitioned to Google Sites later this year.

You can also move your web pages from Page Creator to Google Sites or other service

providers at anytime.

I wonder whether it could be a move akin to that of MediaMax that closed down recently!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blog Approval by Blog Directories

When you have created a new blog, don’t be hasty to add it to the Blog Directories . All the directories may not welcome your blog to their fold. You may be required to wait to submit it again later. For example, I received an email, after submitting my new blog, from a blog directory as follows:

Submission declined. Your blog is brand new. Resubmit after you have made more postings

As I did so as directed, my blog has been now included in the Directory after about a month! Note its mail message:

Your blog has been reviewed and your updates have been approved’!

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Mark Guaranteeing a Standard Product!

We all see this mark, CE on most of the electronic and other products in every place of the world. What is this and what is the use of this mark?

It is an abbreviated form for the French words “Conformite’ Europeene.” It means “European Conformity.”

If a product bears this CE mark, it is guaranteed that you have a quality product as it complies with European standards of health, safety and environmental protection. Such a marked product of any country can be purchased in the open market anywhere in the world! No restrictions are imposed on the movement of these products within selected countries. Even the Government departments can place them directly in the market for sale, away from its production countries.

This mark is a wonder everywhere!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Touring the World on Verve Earth! - 2

I am continuing here my account of touring the world on Verve Earth satellite!

I find many blogs are not updated frequently. One such blogger says in his post that he has moved to Wordpress but will keep on visiting the Blogger blog then and there!

In a blog from Russia I found a post that mentioned about disposable mobile phone! A Chinese blog from Shanghai exhibited beautiful photos and photos only – a bamboo tree, swans and others!

An Australian blog post showed a photo of a VIP vomiting on the road from his car. A Malaysian fun blog quotes Einstein’s third law to catch a lion: first present yourself to the lion ……..! Then the lion will come to you – to be caught!

It was really a wonderful tour to view all these wonder blogs of the world!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Touring the World on Verve Earth! - 1

Touring the world as if sitting on a satellite and having a look at the blogs of Bloggers present all over the world will be both awful and interesting, isn’t it? I was in a similar situation when I combed through all the world’s continents for the blogs of Bloggers in Verve Earth website! I share here that wonderful experience with you!

In my tour there were regions like that of South America where I cannot read the blogs at all, as they were in local language script. But I could see a blog there that has cartoons and cartoons only!

One blogger near India in Maldives offers help to women of her country to redress their worries through law!

In North America bloggers have their blogs on wide variety of topics. Many of the bloggers I found on the tour are Software Engineers or Technologists working in other nations far away from their native nation. Some of them have even formed their National Community Blogs!

I shall not stop with this and you shall have to wait only just a few days: I shall continue this in my next post until then you can have your own experience on the satellite, Verve Earth!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

At Last an Easier Solution for Blogging with Word found out!

I have now found out an easier solution to surpass the difficulties met with in transferring the post article in Word Document to the Post Editor and publishing it in the blog post page! Simply copy and paste the post article on to the Edit Html mode of the Post Editor first, after clicking on that button; then click on the Compose mode; do any other pending corrective works here and click the PUBLISH BUTTON. That’s all. Your post is now published without encountering any error message or without any need for directly typing on the Post Editor!

Related Contents in this Blog:

Hindrances in Blog Posting with Word Document

Experiencing the Transformation of Text

Another Transformation of the Existing Transformation of Text

Another Transformation for the Existing Transformation of Text!

In the previous post I presented about the transformations of texts when they were transferred from Word Document to the Post Editor of Blogger. In posting that post itself there was another transformation! Note my previous post shown down below. I have entered in it that ‘->’ transformed as ‘->’ I found in the Post Editor that the very text > itself went for transformation as > ! But when I clicked the PUBLISH BUTTON, it was returned back as usual with the Error message. So, I typed the post all again in the Post Editor directly and published. Those characters were published as > ! I tried but could not add also this curious happening to the previous post itself since my text > that I typed in the Post Editor got converted into > in the post page! But later I found out a way for this: I typed in & amp ; amp ; g t ; to get published as > in the post! [See that the newly found out characters that I have typed here in the previous sentence have been typed each with single space left out deliberately to avoid its transformation in the post page as > ! Be aware of this when you experiment with this] It is needless to say that how I had to type each of these characters carefully in their pre-transformation characters to get this post published correctly in the post page of the blog!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Experiencing the Transformation of Text

Whenever I copy and paste my blog post article from the Word Document of the computer into the Post Editor of the Blogger, I meet with the text alteration problems. One such is that there are -> where ever there is this ‘->’ arrow mark in the original Document! Then, if you click the PUBLISH POST button, such alterations in the texts are either sometimes corrected and published in the post page as in the original Document or mostly returned back with the message: ‘Error. Your HTML cannot be accepted. Tag is not allowed”! In this later case, you may have to enter the whole post article once again in the Post Editor directly to get it published.

You can also try this related experiment on the Post Editor: enter > and click PUBLISH POST button. You will see the ‘greater than’ symbol,’>’ published in the post page!

(In publishing this post also there were alterations for '->' [that was in the Document] as '->'!)

Related content in this blog: Hindrance in Blog Posting with Word Document

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"I am interested in the wonders of this Universe."


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