The Blog for the Web and Computer Users


This blog is the online record of my observations and experiences about using the computer and about web surfing. Click on Older Posts at the bottom to view more pages. Click on the 'Added features' placed below the posts and get entertained and enlightened! You can get this blog quickly by adding it to Bookmarks or Favorites tabs. [Visit also my other blogs: Natural Scientific & Medical Wonders and Kindling Thoughts].

Monday, July 28, 2008

Corrective Measures Prevent Computer Aches

When you work on computer for extended hours, without breaks or exercises in between, you could get many body problems. Out of these pain or stiffness is the major one felt for the first time after such use. This pain or stiffness or discomfort may be in shoulder joint, elbow or the wrist. To prevent these we shall have to keep the hands (elbow region) close to the body (trunk, flank region) and key in the keyboard with the palms facing inwards. The elbows must rest on the keyboard table or on the arm rest of the chair (keyboard should be in level with the arm rest). Hands should not hang from the wrist: wrists also need a resting place on the keyboard table. As gripping the mouse too tightly may affect all the joints altogether with spasms, hold it lightly and gently, and release the grip when it is not required, and rest the hand then and there.

Luckily these problems are temporary, and are reversible easily if they are dealt with early by effecting these corrective measures.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Google's Acquiring News!

The news found in the Feed Burner website: Google has acquired Feed Burner!

Google’s statement regarding this:

Feed based content and advertising is a developing space where we can add value for users, advertisers and publishers

The move is most welcome and much more added values are expected out of it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Lightning Announcement from a Website

Recently the file sharing and storing website, MediaMax changed its name to The Linkup. It asked its old users to register anew in its new The Linkup. And it also informed that its old users’ file will be transferred soon to The Linkup. But now there is an announcement in The Linkup: Closure of both The Linkup and MediaMax on 8th August 2008 at 5 pm! It has also been stated that its users’ files will be deleted at that time and that users shall have to download their files in their accounts before that time.

I am wondering what could have been the fate of the files that haven’t been transferred yet to The Linkup from MediaMax!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Experiencing the Blog Post Disappearance

I was curious to test the button, SAVE AS DRAFT present in the Edit Post page of the Blogger. I had not used it all so far. So, after publishing a post I clicked the edit mark (pencil) shown in the blog below the post. And in the Edit Post page I clicked this button, SAVE AS DRAFT. My post disappeared from both the Edit Post page and the blog page itself! Now I was shown the post saved in the Manage Post of the Dash board as draft! To retrieve the disappeared post I clicked on the title of my post (showing the word ‘draft’ next to it). But I could not get the post in Edit Post page. And I tried on and on all other underlined texts found there and failed. So, I went to Create Post and entered all the post’s contents once again and published it again. Then I returned back to the Manage Post page to investigate, and found out the mistake: I didn’t check the Check box and clicked the Edit button placed before the post title! So, do not leave out anything before you leave off any work so that you can save your time.

Monday, July 14, 2008

A much Easier(!) and Amusing Paint!

There is complexity in using the MS Paint Programme by all. It may take a longer time to complete the paint work in it and to get a total satisfaction out of it. There is another Paint programme called Tux Paint meant for the kids. But it is both easier and amusing to all the ages. Astonishingly it provides you a neat work result and the expected satisfaction! You can try it out yourself by downloading it to your computer.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Honey, I Shrunk the Pictures!

In this blog I displayed first my computer’s picture just below the blog’s title. But it was too large. I could not shrink its size to fit in the Picture Page Element of the blog’s Lay out. So, I removed it with disgust. Later on I tried a way to do this job and found it successful. I simply right clicked on the picture of the computer present in the computer folder. The picture opened in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer. Next I went to proceed as follows: Right- clicking on the picture --> Open With --> Paint --> Images --> Stretch/Skew --> Stretch--> Entering in lesser but equal % in both Horizontal and Vertical boxes--> clicking OK button. Now I got the computer picture reduced in size, moderately. I selected the picture and saved as Bitmap (bmp) file in a file. Then I uploaded it easily to the Picture Page Element of the Lay Out where I could shrink it to the smaller size. You can now see the minimized pictures of the computer below the blog’s title and at the starting place of this post!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Blogs Submission Tangle

One of my blogs was selected by Verve Earth to get registered and shown up in its website. I got it registered. But when I started next to submit my another blog in it, there was a tangle as a result of it: my second blog was accepted; but the sample contents of the first blog were shown, though the URL shown in that website was that of the second blog; the first blog that had been registered earlier disappeared totally from the scene! I was perplexed by this. Later I solved the problem: clicked the Option tab and deleted all the second blog entries in it and clicked Apply button. The submission form disappeared and there was a fresh invitation to submit a blog! I resubmitted my second blog in the new submission form provided and got it approved! Now there is no mix up. For the first blog, I registered again with another email address, submitted it again by filling a new form and got it approved. So, be aware of the fact that some blog directories demand a single registration while some others need multiple registrations with them for approving your blogs.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Hindrance in Blog Posting with Word Document

In blog posting using a Word document may be difficult sometimes. After copying and pasting in the ‘Create Post’ page, if you click Publish button, the post returns unpublished in HTML code with a red error message that it is not allowed. If you scroll down carefully through the returned document you will see a highlighted HTML area. I deleted this area by simply hitting the Delete key and clicked then the Publish button. But the post was returned back again showing the error message and with another highlighted area. I did such deletion and publishing for about twenty times – till it was published unexpectedly when I almost lost hope in it! To avoid such a difficulty see first the format of Word that does not give such hindrance in creating and publishing. Use that for each of your subsequent posting.

It is advised by experts in blogging not to use Word document at all as it adds large amount of extra codes. So, if you want to free yourself of these all hindrances and hardships you can go directly to the ‘Create Post’ page of the blog, type and publish the posts there itself, then and there.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Beware of Tricking-and-Cheating Relatives and Friends

I received a provoking email that contained the invitation by my relative to join a community website. There were two option Buttons displayed to join or not join it: Yes and No. (It was required to click ‘Yes’ to be friends and ‘No’ if otherwise!). I clicked ‘Yes’ and signed in the community after registering in it. I found there the name of my relative. But I doubted about the authenticity of the email as there was a mismatching between the nature of the relative and the website contents. I went again to the email and read it all carefully word by word. I found that it was sent by the community website itself and not by the relative. I enquired the relative about sending me such an email. The answer was a ‘No’! Similarly there was another such email in the IN BOX from another relative of (me and) the first mentioned relative! I enquired about it again and confirmed that it is a tricking into joining the community. Beware of this trick. Your name and email address could be used like this to trick-and-cheat your friends or relatives!

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"I am interested in the wonders of this Universe."


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