When you work on computer for extended hours, without breaks or exercises in between, you could get many body problems. Out of these pain or stiffness is the major one felt for the first time after such use. This pain or stiffness or discomfort may be in shoulder joint, elbow or the wrist. To prevent these we shall have to keep the hands (elbow region) close to the body (trunk, flank region) and key in the keyboard with the palms facing inwards. The elbows must rest on the keyboard table or on the arm rest of the chair (keyboard should be in level with the arm rest). Hands should not hang from the wrist: wrists also need a resting place on the keyboard table. As gripping the mouse too tightly may affect all the joints altogether with spasms, hold it lightly and gently, and release the grip when it is not required, and rest the hand then and there.
Luckily these problems are temporary, and are reversible easily if they are dealt with early by effecting these corrective measures.