The Blog for the Web and Computer Users


This blog is the online record of my observations and experiences about using the computer and about web surfing. Click on Older Posts at the bottom to view more pages. Click on the 'Added features' placed below the posts and get entertained and enlightened! You can get this blog quickly by adding it to Bookmarks or Favorites tabs. [Visit also my other blogs: Natural Scientific & Medical Wonders and Kindling Thoughts].

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Size matters in HTwins!

Do you want to travel along a museum that displays all the objects from the size of the smallest to those of the largest in this Universe? I had such an experience with one website. In its homepage you shall have to click on the 'Start' button. You first see the objects of sizes from Giant Earhworm, Dodo, Rafflesia flower, Beach ball and Human; at the centre a small circle showing the next smaller sized objects including a flying Humming bird is seen.

Then you can move the scroll to the right to view the objects with increasing sizes - up to the 'Estimated size of Universe' (10 to the power of 27.0)! Or move it to the left to view the objects with decreasing sizes - down to 'Quantum Foam' or 'String' through 'Neutrino' (10 to the power of -35.0)! Al these are displayed with a background music. Try this exciting website here -> HTWINS.NET - The Scale of the Universe 2

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Here read about PayPal HERE!

PayPal has released a tiny credit card reader for smart phones. It is the PayPal Here. With it and its applications, mobile payments can be done. It is triangular in shape with a fold down wing and plugs into phone. After signing in PayPal is done, it encrypts credit card data and transmits it into the phone for effecting online payments. It can track your past payments and issue invoices too. It is a versatile competitor for the other one, the 'Square'!

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"I am interested in the wonders of this Universe."


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