The Blog for the Web and Computer Users


This blog is the online record of my observations and experiences about using the computer and about web surfing. Click on Older Posts at the bottom to view more pages. Click on the 'Added features' placed below the posts and get entertained and enlightened! You can get this blog quickly by adding it to Bookmarks or Favorites tabs. [Visit also my other blogs: Natural Scientific & Medical Wonders and Kindling Thoughts].

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Multiple submissions by Seoflex!

One of the ways to increase visitor's traffic to a blog/website is submitting it to Search Engines
like Google, Yahoo and many others. This submission can be done individually by entering into the search engine site itself. For example, one can try it here in the site of Bing. Otherwise, it can be done in many search engines by visiting a single website! Such a website has collective submission facilities for submission to numerous search engines. One such website is Seoflex. It contains about eighty eight submission facilities. By clicking here one can try submitting a website/blog to it free! And then see the visitors' traffic to increase much more than before.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Coloring and web-linking texts in Blogging

In blogging if you publish through Google Documents to your Blogger blog, you might come across problems of web-linking
the colored texts of the blog post: when you web-link either in Google Document page or in the Post Editor of Blogger, the color of the linked text is obscured by the web-linking blue color. To avoid this problem, first give color to the text only in the Post Editor of Blogger and not in Google Documents. Then link it with website URL. If you had already colored and/or linked the text in Google Documents, then you shall have to remove the link from the text first, then its color and then repeat coloring and web-linking. (For removing the link, first select the text, click on the web-linking icon [Link]on the menu bar of the Post Editor, and then simply click on OK button in the box shown). Sometimes you shall have to even delete the whole text and retype all of it once again in Post Editor and repeat again the process of coloring and web-linking!

Related posts in this blog:
Hyperlinking Colored Text!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Space deletion in Blogger blog post

Whenever you publish Blogger blog post by Google Documents, there will be some alterations in the size or location of fonts, and the presence of empty spaces in the post. One of such changes is the presence of unnecessary space between the title of the blog post and the starting paragraph
of the post. If a picture is also there between them, it complicates further the problem: in the Post Editor of Blogger, if you select the picture and try to place it further above, it shifts to another unwanted location! Sometimes the picture itself gets deleted in the process. To delete the unwanted space and avoid other resulting such problems, in the Post Editor place the Insertion Point just before the starting of the paragraph or on the line just above the picture and begin to hit the Back Space key once at a time till the picture with the post text shifts up line by line till the intended space is got below the Post Editor's upper margin. Now publish the post: you have got now the extra space deleted, and the post has become neat for viewing!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Remote file transfer by TeamViewer!

The other day I was browsing the internet with my computer
. At that time my son called me from his city over phone and asked me to open and enter into a website, and then to open My Computer of the computer. I did so. But now I found the Mouse Pointer to move over the files by itself! I was shocked by this with fear overwhelming. I called back my son and reported about it. My son laughed at it and replied that he only had done it by using the same website that I entered in! Then he got a copy of the file that he required, transferred from my computer to his computer! Yes, it is the TeamViewer website that helped him to do this. Over internet, with its help one can access remotely files of any computer present anywhere in the world within seconds. You can also remote control your friend's computer as if you are sitting right in front of it. And you can also share files with your friends - sending and receiving! Do you want to try now itself entering into this website? Click on here --> TeamViewer.

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"I am interested in the wonders of this Universe."


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