The Blog for the Web and Computer Users


This blog is the online record of my observations and experiences about using the computer and about web surfing. Click on Older Posts at the bottom to view more pages. Click on the 'Added features' placed below the posts and get entertained and enlightened! You can get this blog quickly by adding it to Bookmarks or Favorites tabs. [Visit also my other blogs: Natural Scientific & Medical Wonders and Kindling Thoughts].

Friday, August 28, 2009

Frozen keys in browsing through blogs

As you browse the internet you come across some puzzling things. Out of them I recently met with one: I was viewing a blog chosen from the directory of Entrecard ( a viewer traffic enhancing website). As usual I clicked on the 'Drop' of the Entrecard Blog advertising widget ('Blog of the day') as a token of my visit to that blog. After that I could not view further that blog as I did before that click! The Space bar or (Shift + Space bar), Home key, End key and the Arrow keys lay frozen to my operational movements and so, I could not use them to move the web page up or down! I could use only the Mouse pointer to move the page up or down by holding the Scrollbar.

Similar thing happens after leaving a comment in a blog. Could anyone explain why does this happen? You can share here your own experience about it.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Safeguarding picture in resizing

You may resize a picture using Microsoft Picture Manager. But you cannot get back the original picture with the same clarity as before, when you try to restore its original size again using the Picture Manager, in the reverse way. The original size restored picture here will be blurred like this:

To avoid this, first right click on the picture and then left click on the 'Send To' of the menu shown and send the copy of that picture either to the Desktop or My Document and rename it. Now resize the original picture to the desired size. If you find this resized picture not pleasing delete it, and bring back the copy of it present on the Desktop or the My Document.

Moreover remember that if you do not rename the picture's copy (saved on the Desktop or My Document) beforehand, you will see it also get deleted when you delete the resized undesired picture! Or you can instead of renaming the copy, rename the resized picture to prevent this deletion.

Related Posts in this blog:
Work Tools in Microsoft Programmes
Down-sizing with Picture Manager
Honey, I shrunk the Pictures!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Image searching with TinEye!

A website searches the web and identifies the location of the images you present to it. It is TinEye (a beta version owned by Idee Inc.). This image search engine uses image identification technology. It also finds and presents you with the results about how an image is being used now and whether there is any modified version of it elsewhere. If you want to have an experience with it, upload an image or paste a URL in the search box of this --> TinEye and click on Search!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A correction in MS Word helps blogging

When I was uploading to Google Docs and publishing a Blogger blog post, that was prepared in Microsoft Office Word,
I encountered a problem. I want to share here about it with you. When I published the post prepared as said above, there was a difference in font size among the text contents. Even if I changed the differently sized text to to that of the required one (in the Google Docs) and published, the same problem kept on recurring. It could not be corrected. Reason behind it is that the blog post had been prepared on a zoomed MS Office Word document page! So, before entering anything in a plain document page first check and ensure that the page is reset to 100% in Zoom of View tab of MS Office Word.

Related Posts:
Hindrance in Blog Posting with Word Document
At last an Easier Solution for blogging with Word found out!

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"I am interested in the wonders of this Universe."


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