I gave connection to my computer with my mobile phone through an USB. I clicked on the phone's contacts data. But after that a dialogue box came on the desktop screen. Even if I closed it by clicking on the Cancel or X of it, it recurred. Later so many of the same box appeared like stacked playing cards one after the other with my closing each one of it! I wondered whether it could be due to a virus playing this card! But when I restarted the computer all those dialogue boxes were gone! I heaved a sigh of relief. Do you know anything about it? Or had you a similar experience? Share it here for me and the blog readers.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2016
A recurring dialogue box!
I gave connection to my computer with my mobile phone through an USB. I clicked on the phone's contacts data. But after that a dialogue box came on the desktop screen. Even if I closed it by clicking on the Cancel or X of it, it recurred. Later so many of the same box appeared like stacked playing cards one after the other with my closing each one of it! I wondered whether it could be due to a virus playing this card! But when I restarted the computer all those dialogue boxes were gone! I heaved a sigh of relief. Do you know anything about it? Or had you a similar experience? Share it here for me and the blog readers.
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